We've Lost one...

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Originally posted by chufeng

An ex-mod has been kind enough to show his *** with lipstick and everything...thanks Rob...

I am working on getting the words kiss my @ss removed form the avatar. I want it to reflect the same message as the signature at the end of my posts, "Show me yours and I'll show you mine"

A few people on this forum know what is actually meant by the signature. If the avatar or signature offends anyone please PM me and I'll change it/them.
Why change your avatar because one guy doesn't like it? Jeez, I hate political correctness.

Shame on you for bowing to that pressure and shame on Chufeng for trying to play that card.
Actually, I'm not at all offended...I kind of like it...my comment was tongue in cheek...

Originally posted by chufeng
Actually, I'm not at all offended...I kind of like it...my comment was tongue in cheek...:p chufeng

I figured as much. I was shooting for the whole "moral high ground beating political correctness" thingy.
all you'll can kiss my as except gou, I don't want to make you leave again lol.
I'm trying very hard to be a more productive member of this board.

Originally posted by akja
That sums it up pretty good. But thats what its about, dicussion. To a certain extent, there could be someone that is right or wrong, but it depends on who is doing the reading.

There will always be 3 versions.....
Your version,
My version,
and the truth.

It has always been that way, and always will be.


Originally posted by chufeng
Actually, I'm not at all offended...I kind of like it...my comment was tongue in cheek...


Kiss my ***....
Tongue in cheek,
Oh God you guys crack me up!!

(Butt wait, there's more...)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
actually i laughed when i saw that rob. pretty funny if you ask me. we all need a good laugh now and then to clear the smoke...hee hee
Originally posted by GouRonin
I'm trying very hard to be a more productive member of this board.


Keep trying.....you'll reach your goal one day :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Keep trying.....you'll reach your goal one day :rolleyes:

Let me guess you like to go to the zoo and poke the animals with sticks too...
Nope......I dont like Monkeys.......But I do have a Shinobi in a cage that I poke with a stick and it dances :D
totally off the subject: GouRonin, that is an awesome sig. Run - DMC rocks.... God Rest Jam Master Jay.

now back to our regularly scheduled program:asian:
Originally posted by Shinzu

now back to our regularly scheduled program:asian:

We have a regularly scheduled program :eek:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
We have a regularly scheduled program :eek:

Yes, do you not get the info channel? Shhesh Kids today to lazy to even use the online version . :rolleyes:

Originally posted by chufeng
Unfortunately, RyuShiKan has resigned from this forum...

Some of you may cheer...
Others may not care...
Some, like me, regret that he is gone...

I never met him personally, but I appreciated most of the things he had to add to this forum...
Although he had an "in your face" way about him, he usually backed up his comments with facts (not hearsay or assumptions).

Heated debate is not a bad thing...and the moderators have let some strings run long and hot for awhile...

I have attended seminars presented by his teacher...

I do know one person who trained with him...
I know that the person who trained with him is an excellent martial artist...

It is my opinion that RyuShiKan IS the real deal...and we all lose out by his resignation...his passion for keeping some integrity in the arts is what led to his oftentimes "pitbull" posts...BUT, can anyone on this forum say that they learned NOTHING from him in the interactions that took place?

Answer that objectively...not with your emotions...


Na Na Na Na
Hey Hey Good By
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