Welcome to the dark ages....


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain

Alabama lawmakers Tuesday passed a bill that would ban abortions the instant a fetal heartbeat is detected — a measure that would effectively eliminate most abortions.
The House voted 73-29 for the measure, one of four anti-abortion bills it sent to the Senate. The bill includes no exception for women who become pregnant through rape and incest.

But McClurkin told NBC station WSFA of Montgomery that the real debate was over saving lives.
"I would personally love for each person in this state to respect life," she said.

Respect life?
Its not the dark ages if your the baby with the heart beat
What is it expected to be then? A third lung? Perhaps an extra kidney?

it's call fetus...if it even has gotten there yet.

regardless, you are missing the point, as always....
Isn't this where you gentlemen should call for less government in our lives?
As you usually do when your toys are afflicted?

or is it ok to tell women what they can and cannot do....after all, they are the weaker sex, unable to make choices of their own.....

Through a friend I 'followed' a facebook page 'pray for <some unfortunate little worm>: the child was afflicted by a chromosome trisomy...aside from the physical abnormalities, the poor thing had many health problems, and for over 137 days the parents gave a daily update :it was a good day, she had no episodes, only apnea and breathing problems...I wondered what I was supposed to be praying for....prolonged life or a swift passing...

Yes, they chose to have that child. Choice, you know. But not everybody can handle such things.
As the law in Alabama stands, no provisions are made for women who were victims of rape or incest. I am assuming in their infinite wisdom, the lawmakers assume there cannot be a pregnancy if it's a true rape....
'as early as 6 weeks' that means quite a few women won't even know they are pregnant until after that mark.

(but what was I thinking....I knew the usual suspects would come forth, with their usual replies. :))
it's call fetus...if it even has gotten there yet.
Ive never heard a woman say Im having a fetus. You refuse to give it a human so its easier to kill
regardless, you are missing the point, as always....
Isn't this where you gentlemen should call for less government in our lives?
As you usually do when your toys are afflicted?
Na Im against murder so some laws are ok like don't kill, don't rape, don't steal, ect. and Babies are not toys
or is it ok to tell women what they can and cannot do....after all, they are the weaker sex, unable to make choices of their own.....
Please.......#1 has nothing to do with weaker sex has everything to do with an innocent life that was created though no fault of its own #2 pleanty of woman are against abortion so your argument is busted right there.
Through a friend I 'followed' a facebook page 'pray for <some unfortunate little worm>: the child was afflicted by a chromosome trisomy...aside from the physical abnormalities, the poor thing had many health problems, and for over 137 days the parents gave a daily update :it was a good day, she had no episodes, only apnea and breathing problems...I wondered what I was supposed to be praying for....prolonged life or a swift passing...
whats that got to do with abortion or are you in favor of post birth abortions as well?
Yes, they chose to have that child. Choice, you know. But not everybody can handle such things.
So don't get pregnant or give the baby up to be adopted.
As the law in Alabama stands, no provisions are made for women who were victims of rape or incest. I am assuming in their infinite wisdom, the lawmakers assume there cannot be a pregnancy if it's a true rape....
'as early as 6 weeks' that means quite a few women won't even know they are pregnant until after that mark.
so what % of Alabama rape victims will that effect?

(but what was I thinking....I knew the usual suspects would come forth, with their usual replies. :))
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There will always be a place for government, we just want less of it. Saving the life of an innocent baby would be one of those functions I am sure a lot of people support.
Ive never heard a woman say Im having a fetus. You refuse to give it a human so its easier to kill

Na Im against murder so some laws are ok like don't kill, don't rape, don't steal, ect. and Babies are not toys

Please.......#1 has nothing to do with weaker sex has everything to do with an innocent life that was created though no fault of its own #2 pleanty of woman are against abortion so your argument is busted right there.

whats that got to do with abortion or are you in favor of post birth abortions as well?

So don't get pregnant or give the baby up to be adopted.

so what % of Alabama rape victims will that effect?


There will always be a place for government, we just want less of it. Saving the life of an innocent baby would be one of those functions I am sure a lot of people support.
