Another Unbelievably BAD Idea

Like the Wall Street Journal said, "Keep up the lawsuits and it will be $6 a gallon with some of that going to the lawyers."

If you want to drop the price of oil, drill more at home and strenghten the dollar abroad. Simple as that.

Yes I belive in conservation. Yes I believe in less polution. BUT, that will all take time to come online with any green measures. We need to conserve our gas (drive wisely), nuke power, and start drilling in ANWAR. And even that will take 2 years.

The cost of gas will rise some more cause it takes time to do all the above.

Don't forget to cite them for spelling funny too. :)

Oi! :D. Tho', as Eddie Izzard pointed out, I do agree with you chaps on such words as "Although" and "Through" :). That said, it still raises a smile whenever I think of the American tourist who asked me for the way to "Fruffal" (Froghall) and "Dial Horny" (Dilhorne). Oh the linguistic lashes we make for ourselves with our supposedly common language :lol:.

EDIT: Realised I should make clear that "Froghall" is pronounced "Frog Hall" (as you might imagine it was if you weren't encountering English spelling for the first time) and "Dilhorne" is pronounced "Dill Awn". Thank goodness he didn't want to go to "Uttoxeter" ... that's called "Ucheater" by it's residents :lol:.
Oi! :D. Tho', as Eddie Izzard pointed out, I do agree with you chaps on such words as "Although" and "Through" :). That said, it still raises a smile whenever I think of the American tourist who asked me for the way to "Fruffal" (Froghall) and "Dial Horny" (Dilhorne). Oh the linguistic lashes we make for ourselves with our supposedly common language :lol:.
Love Izzard's stand-up! He is a very intelligent man and actually has some stand up that makes you think instead of the standard male anatomy jokes.
These attitudes worry me.

Remember when the US courts charged Manuel Noriaga with drug running? We decided we could invade the entire country, and overthrow the Panamanian government to enforce US law, applied to an individual foreign national.

Remember when George Bush promised a "humble foreign policy"?

Where will this lead?
Complete with accessorised hand-cart.

It's hard to believe that such acts are not calculated. The aim may be wrapped up in a layer or two of duplicity but governments seldom do things that have an effect on Foreign Policy without deliberate intent.
Complete with accessorised hand-cart.

It's hard to believe that such acts are not calculated. The aim may be wrapped up in a layer or two of duplicity but governments seldom do things that have an effect on Foreign Policy without deliberate intent.

You best get read to start paying those US traffic ticket fines :D
Don't forget to cite them for spelling funny too. :)

Exactly and while weÂ’re at it who ever heard of the hood of a car being called a bonnet.. we need to make up new US laws to enforce on other countries to cover this.. but when we doÂ… lookout UK weÂ’re a cominÂ’ :D

They just ain't got the English down like weez Americans does :D
House passes bill to sue OPEC over oil prices

Tue May 20, 2008 2:27pm EDT
Reuters Story

By Tom Doggett
WASHINGTON - The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation on Tuesday allowing the Justice Department to sue OPEC members for limiting oil supplies and working together to set crude prices, but the White House threatened to veto the measure.
The bill would subject OPEC oil producers, including Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela, to the same antitrust laws that U.S. companies must follow.
The measure passed in a 324-84 vote, a big enough margin to override a presidential veto.
The legislation also creates a Justice Department task force to aggressively investigate gasoline price gouging and energy market manipulation.
Uh, first of all WE KNOW OPEC works in concert on oil, OPEC means " Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries". That they control a vast amount of petroleum reserves is nothing new.
Secondly, when we KNOW a large portion of OPEC member nations don't like us to begin with, it is, at best foolish, at worse, recklessly negligent to piss them off by threatening to sick lawyers on them.

The bill also requires the Government Accountability Office to carryout a study on the effects of prior oil company mergers on energy prices.
((End Excerpt))
Oh, so, since Standard Oil was broken up, by the government, should we blame Senator Jay Rockefeller? It is obviously the fault of those who made (inherited) fortunes from Oil Companies...

This is a joke, right? Please tell me that this is really a joke! Man, it has gone to their heads, hasn't it? They really think that they own the whole world. Suing another foreign political entity based on their own laws!? We need to clean house, literally.