Punitive measures for kids that aren't yours...


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
so clonking their heads together isn't an option....

So far I have the offenders write a couple of short sentences 50 times each, in regard to their offense, plus a letter of apology to the affected person.
I am expecting for the work not to be completed (by tonight)
I think I will add an 'I will complete assigned work on time' to the list.
Any thoughts?

The kids are relatively good most of the time, but laps at moments (as we all do) but they messed around with stuff that was non of their business, which caused complaints.

Plus of course, in not respecting the stuff, they broke the girl scout law :eye-popping::D so BAM!
(and they fibbed and blamed it on the little kid...)
Loss of privileges might get their attention and set an example, too. No consideration of restoring the privilege until the assignment already given is complete.

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Communicate with the parents and agree upon anything beforehand. The lag time for communication is also a good time for the offenders to "sweat it out" and wonder what's going to happen.
Communicate with the parents and agree upon anything beforehand. The lag time for communication is also a good time for the offenders to "sweat it out" and wonder what's going to happen.

The parents...it's a bit of a mess: They are divorced and while they try to present an open front, they squabble with each other and the girls know how to use it.
I am the designated 'knot jerker' :rolleyes:
Basic training favorites such as the push up, the flutter kick, the Hello Dolly and everyone's favorite the Dying Cockroach are pretty painful after a while and yet, exercise, thus, good for them.
Basic training favorites such as the push up, the flutter kick, the Hello Dolly and everyone's favorite the Dying Cockroach are pretty painful after a while and yet, exercise, thus, good for them.

Would love to do that, but it's Girl Scouts, they don't go for that....

I had to add a 'I will complete tasks on time' today....they 'forgot'
By next week, they will be up to writing a short novel....:rolleyes:
Would love to do that, but it's Girl Scouts, they don't go for that....

I had to add a 'I will complete tasks on time' today....they 'forgot'
By next week, they will be up to writing a short novel....:rolleyes:

The assignments have no teeth, they're just onerous.

Next meeting, when the assignment isn't done, sit them down in a corner, with a stack of paper, and they do it then and there, in front of their friends, and aren't allowed to participate in anything else until it's ALL done. And, as I said before, take something that they want to do away. If it can be tied directly to the transgression in some way -- that's even better.

Also -- have you asked the youth leaders about what could be done to discipline these two? They may well have a few ideas that you haven't considered... and it would do them good to be involved.
Would love to do that, but it's Girl Scouts, they don't go for that....

I had to add a 'I will complete tasks on time' today....they 'forgot'
By next week, they will be up to writing a short novel....:rolleyes:
I can just picture a dozen girl scouts doing the dying cockroach...
yeah, might be a tad harsh.
My grandma said the worst punishment she had at school in the late 1910's was to hold a pencil at arms length for one minute. The minute restarted every time her hand dropped from the horizontal.
I can just picture a dozen girl scouts doing the dying cockroach...
yeah, might be a tad harsh.
My grandma said the worst punishment she had at school in the late 1910's was to hold a pencil at arms length for one minute. The minute restarted every time her hand dropped from the horizontal.

That is harsh! And I bet she wasn't a couch potato...
The assignments have no teeth, they're just onerous.

Next meeting, when the assignment isn't done, sit them down in a corner, with a stack of paper, and they do it then and there, in front of their friends, and aren't allowed to participate in anything else until it's ALL done. And, as I said before, take something that they want to do away. If it can be tied directly to the transgression in some way -- that's even better.

Also -- have you asked the youth leaders about what could be done to discipline these two? They may well have a few ideas that you haven't considered... and it would do them good to be involved.

Which youth leaders?
In case you wonder, this is the youth leader speaking.
So far the others are on board.
I suppose if I don't have the assignments on hand the next week, they will miss out on some of the fun we are about to have. Not sure if it will be the last cookie selling weekend or the after party...
do the scouts have a community leadership or regional leadership that can be reached and questioned? I do not think you what to do this but how much can you embarrass them in front of their friends for what ever it is they have done? If all else fails how and they continue to be a problem is kicking them out an option so that the rest of the scouts can see what happens to those that are in the wrong?
do the scouts have a community leadership or regional leadership that can be reached and questioned? I do not think you what to do this but how much can you embarrass them in front of their friends for what ever it is they have done? If all else fails how and they continue to be a problem is kicking them out an option so that the rest of the scouts can see what happens to those that are in the wrong?

It wasn't that grave an offense to kick them out just yet (their mother on the other hand...she's a loon and working on her strikes)

They messed around with stuff they should have left alone, then blamed the smallest girl.
The little one went on to apologize in person (her tough luck that her big brother is in the boy scout troop)
The other two will have to do so in person.

As expected, they did not bring the assigned work in, 'forgot' it at home, to which I then added 'I will complete tasks on time'

I think their problem is that mom is a loon, dad a jerk who likes to undermine mom quiet a bit, not that it takes much, as mom comes to us leaders to have a talk with the girls about what they are doing or not doing.
I guess we are the 'no nonsense' staple in their lives right now.
I did use last night to point out to them the (several) points where their conduct was against the Girl Scout law. And yes, I did that in front of the whole troop.
Which youth leaders?
In case you wonder, this is the youth leader speaking.
So far the others are on board.
I suppose if I don't have the assignments on hand the next week, they will miss out on some of the fun we are about to have. Not sure if it will be the last cookie selling weekend or the after party...

I'm talking about the kids. Way back when, when I was in Boy Scouts... WE ran the program, guided and supervised by the adult leaders. Same thing for my church youth group. I don't know how old these kids are; I'm assuming at least jr high/early mid teens. Obviously, if their much younger, some things change...

Warning... I'm going to rant here. I've seen more and more "youth" programs, where the youth are merely along for the ride. How the hell are kids supposed to lead when the adults and parents do everything for them? How are they going to learn to be accountable, to themselves and to others, and to hold themselves and others accountable when their parents are making sure nothing goes wrong? Here's a clue about what they SHOULD be capable of... When I was a Scout, various troop members would be assigned the task of shopping for a camping trip. Once, I got home from football practice on Friday, to find one of the patrol leaders at my door. The guys assigned to do the shopping had fallen down on the job, and done nothing. They gave him the money, at least. The trip was Saturday morning. So... we got our butts to the store (this was before we had driver's licenses...), did the shopping, took the food home, and did the packaging. When did the adult leaders hear of the problem? Maybe we told them Saturday morning, or it may have come up in the after-trip debrief. I forget what we did in terms of punishing the two who screwed the pooch...

So... let's look at your problem again, gran. You've two kids who got into something that caused complaints, and they broke the rules in doing so. They violated a fundamental precept of the organization (The Girl Scout Law; in looking it up, I'm guessing that you're talking about the lines about respecting authority here...). In not accepting their punishment and doing the assignment, they've actually broken another of those precepts ("I will do my best to be... responsible for what I say and do...") Actually, looking back at your first post -- they flubbed that from the start, when they "fibbed" about it. I don't know how old the kids you're dealing with are; that'll shape some of how much the kids can come up with a solution to letting these two regain the trust of the unit.
They are second graders. :)
And stuck with stupid parents.
(My older girls need to work harder, but then again, I am lazy...;)

So yeah, they messed up on a number of points.

The latest one was the universal scout motto: Be Prepared.
Sometimes I feel like uttering the last words of the WoW cinematics for Burning Crusade: YOU ARE NOT PREPARED! in a delightful villainous accent!:lol:


Working on it, one step at a time.

(but I do agree with you on the 'scout lead' thing. Our boyscout troop got hit hard though for a few years in a row: First all the older boys quit, leaving a bunch of 13 and 14 yo as 'senior' scouts, then we lost our scout master after he had to take it easy after a work accident, then the next guy got transferred, and a year later his replacement got his orders. I am waiting for our current guy to get the call! But the guys grew into their new rolls, boys and leaders alike, it's looking good!)