What do you guys do if anything for weight training? I do a Three Day split
Along with running.
This is all assuming I have a gym and COVID is not a thing.
It depends on what I am working towards. If I need to build mass and lifting strength:
Train 2 muscle groups daily, morning and evening at 75%-85% intensity
Made up of 1 big muscle group and 1 small muscle group e.g. chest and calves
Increase protein intake and also increase caloric intake to over 2500 calories daily
Because my chest has always been disproportionate I train it twice weekly.
Finish all workouts with some light core work and full body stretches.
Train Monday-Friday, rest Saturday and Sunday.
The fifth week of this regime - same calories, same protein, but exercises at a much lighter weight (e.g. warmup weight) with very small intensity <40%
My go-to training method is (maintaining :
1 workout daily, of one muscle group with different exercises except for arms.
Every exercise is done at the highest weight possible without a spotter, until muscle failure.
Chest still worked twice weekly until it becomes proportionate to my body.
Arms usually worked twice weekly, after the main muscle group.
Normal 2000-2500 intake for calories.
Eat clean i.e. 2-4 x Eggs for breakfast
Lunch: 2 Beef Patties, 100-200g rice, 150-200g veg
Due to COVID, I have not managed to experiment with a gym and eating regime to concentrating on maintaining strength and muscle mass whilst shedding fat. I do recall using ketosis around 2 years back which is very effective. Once I return to my Uni accommodation, I plan to begin experimenting on the Carnivore Diet with vitamin supplements and creatine. Whilst I am at home with my parents (with no available gyms) I am having trouble adjusting. Currently, I am focusing on increasing flexibility and perhaps even attaining the splits, and losing fat. I also try to practice with my staff daily and will resume kicking practice too. I do pushups and pull-ups quite often to muscle failure, but I find it hard to reach muscle failure on pushups to the point where I will be sore the next day.
Hope this helps someone out there.