Weight training

you´re the one who mentions steroids all the time not me & i also asked you what is your experience of them ? no answer so therefor i can conclude you know nothing about them.
Weight training is not just for bodybuilders or "juiced up champs". weight training is the same for women too.
you even stated you would rather use a Bullworker sitting in your chair. GEEZE !
If that is not being stupid what is?
coz you keep posting pictures if steriod abusers,

do you mean i have taken steriod then no, im not that stupid or vain, do i know peopke who have, then yes, quite a lot, ive been hanging round spit and sawdust gyms for the last 45 years .

ive not injected heroine either, though i kbow plenty who have done that well or rather did, they are mostly dead now

weight training is great, if you do it right, if your taking advice of steroid boys there is a very good chance your not doing it right unless your on steriods,
weight training is great, if you do it right, if your taking advice of steroid boys there is a very good chance your not doing it right unless your on steriods,
last reply on this mate.
I did not learn from any juiced up guys. I actually first started doing weights in the army on a multi gym (universal gym) although most gym work was sprints/running or bodyweight stuff. i knew a guy who had a load of old cast iron weights in our accomodation block attic & trained with him i was about 19 he was a Sgt of about 30 who trained our Tug Of War Team. I was in the boxing squad at the time. He was not on steroids.
After 9 years in the army i did armed security for the army too & trained in martial arts. Later when i was 40 i went to a school in Germany for 3 years & learned "Sport und Fitnesskaufmann" : sport administrator. I also qualified in Hamburg as a personal Trainer.
last reply on this mate.
I did not learn from any juiced up guys. I actually first started doing weights in the army on a multi gym (universal gym) although most gym work was sprints/running or bodyweight stuff. i knew a guy who had a load of old cast iron weights in our accomodation block attic & trained with him i was about 19 he was a Sgt of about 30 who trained our Tug Of War Team. I was in the boxing squad at the time. He was not on steroids.
After 9 years in the army i did armed security for the army too & trained in martial arts. Later when i was 40 i went to a school in Germany for 3 years & learned "Sport und Fitnesskaufmann" : sport administrator. I also qualified in Hamburg as a personal Trainer.
so why do you keep posting pictures of steroid boys then ?

its a fighting forum, peopke are intrested in weight training as it applies to fighting fitness, not aesthetics generaly, thats if you find bloated druggies astheticaly pleasing, which i dont ,
I pick things up and put them down.

We encourage everyone we train to lift.
Every dojo we’ve ever had always had good weight training equipment.

We pick things up and put them down.
Well, maybe not full dumpster fire, but definitely it definitely ran a little off the road and kicked up some gravel lol.

I lift. I look pretty good for my age 47yr, 5'8", 190#, 32" waist, 15 1/2" bi's, apx 10%BFI. I am no body builder. Truth is - yea, I like not looking like a fat old man at the community pool BUT my real goal is POWER. I want to be able to generate greater amounts of power in shorter distances. I also want to be able to resist joint locks that have already taken me, past an advantageous position, through strength when mechanics are against me. I don't ever plan on being an underwear model so.... my lifts are based on my goals not getting "swole" :-)
Well, maybe not full dumpster fire, but definitely it definitely ran a little off the road and kicked up some gravel lol.

I lift. I look pretty good for my age 47yr, 5'8", 190#, 32" waist, 15 1/2" bi's, apx 10%BFI. I am no body builder. Truth is - yea, I like not looking like a fat old man at the community pool BUT my real goal is POWER. I want to be able to generate greater amounts of power in shorter distances. I also want to be able to resist joint locks that have already taken me, past an advantageous position, through strength when mechanics are against me. I don't ever plan on being an underwear model so.... my lifts are based on my goals not getting "swole" :)
Some good programmes now but you can't beat the 5x5 for strength gains. The old school bodybuilder Reg Park has some great 5x5 Workouts. Doing basics but some extra work in there like lower back, Abs. Although when i did 5x5 i never trained Abs. Midsection was always hard from bent over rows, deadlifts, standing military press.
5x5 is real power.
Some good programmes now but you can't beat the 5x5 for strength gains. The old school bodybuilder Reg Park has some great 5x5 Workouts. Doing basics but some extra work in there like lower back, Abs. Although when i did 5x5 i never trained Abs. Midsection was always hard from bent over rows, deadlifts, standing military press.
5x5 is real power.

I will definitely keep that in mind, thanks.

I always love trying new things (in lifting). I have this theory about "confusing" your muscles. Do the same lifts, same reps, same sets, and just keep adding weight.... eh, yea, you'll make gains BUT I think the body comes to see it as you "job" and I know the body's goal is to minimize muscle, maximize fat (that is NOT my theory, that's fact). So...... (my theory) routine leads to platueo. The body does the bare minimum to keep up with what it KNOWS you will be doing today. Whereas if your body is occasionally saying "WTH, this is NOT what we planned on?!?!" maybe it also tries to keep up with an unknown and ever changing work load. I'm no doctor, just an old street cop who likes punching and kicking stuff so maybe I am way off lol

But yea, I'll try some 5x5 next trip AND look into that name to see what he has to say. Thanks!
I will definitely keep that in mind, thanks.

I always love trying new things (in lifting). I have this theory about "confusing" your muscles. Do the same lifts, same reps, same sets, and just keep adding weight.... eh, yea, you'll make gains BUT I think the body comes to see it as you "job" and I know the body's goal is to minimize muscle, maximize fat (that is NOT my theory, that's fact). So...... (my theory) routine leads to platueo. The body does the bare minimum to keep up with what it KNOWS you will be doing today. Whereas if your body is occasionally saying "WTH, this is NOT what we planned on?!?!" maybe it also tries to keep up with an unknown and ever changing work load. I'm no doctor, just an old street cop who likes punching and kicking stuff so maybe I am way off lol

But yea, I'll try some 5x5 next trip AND look into that name to see what he has to say. Thanks!
Yeah i think when we all started we read a book from Joe weider & all "his" Weider principles ! most he just put his name to but he did sort of bring uniformity to weight training.
The Weider Principles | Muscle & Fitness (muscleandfitness.com)
if you have a few problems you can use pre-exhaust too. do not need such heavy loads on the basic exercise. OK too for a change.
Scan_20180414 (2).webp
we have to mention Arthur Jones. A crazy guy but very intelligent. not my style of training but it did put Mike mentzer & Ray mentzer on the scene.
Mike Mentzer got a bit extreme later like 1 workout every two weeks !
I am not a fan of this type of training but some do like it. some seminar videos on youtube. He did write some books, courses.

Arnold trained with volume, high volume as did most back in the day.
here T-Bar rows full range of motion. not like some today. These guys had strong erector (lower back) muscles from Deadlifts ..etc.
Free weights are great for chest. notice he never brought the Bells together like most do..including myself. However on standing cable flyes he did. peak contraction.

What do you guys do if anything for weight training? I do a Three Day split

Along with running.
This is all assuming I have a gym and COVID is not a thing.

It depends on what I am working towards. If I need to build mass and lifting strength:
Train 2 muscle groups daily, morning and evening at 75%-85% intensity
Made up of 1 big muscle group and 1 small muscle group e.g. chest and calves
Increase protein intake and also increase caloric intake to over 2500 calories daily
Because my chest has always been disproportionate I train it twice weekly.
Finish all workouts with some light core work and full body stretches.
Train Monday-Friday, rest Saturday and Sunday.
The fifth week of this regime - same calories, same protein, but exercises at a much lighter weight (e.g. warmup weight) with very small intensity <40%

My go-to training method is (maintaining :
1 workout daily, of one muscle group with different exercises except for arms.
Every exercise is done at the highest weight possible without a spotter, until muscle failure.
Chest still worked twice weekly until it becomes proportionate to my body.
Arms usually worked twice weekly, after the main muscle group.
Normal 2000-2500 intake for calories.
Eat clean i.e. 2-4 x Eggs for breakfast
Lunch: 2 Beef Patties, 100-200g rice, 150-200g veg

Due to COVID, I have not managed to experiment with a gym and eating regime to concentrating on maintaining strength and muscle mass whilst shedding fat. I do recall using ketosis around 2 years back which is very effective. Once I return to my Uni accommodation, I plan to begin experimenting on the Carnivore Diet with vitamin supplements and creatine. Whilst I am at home with my parents (with no available gyms) I am having trouble adjusting. Currently, I am focusing on increasing flexibility and perhaps even attaining the splits, and losing fat. I also try to practice with my staff daily and will resume kicking practice too. I do pushups and pull-ups quite often to muscle failure, but I find it hard to reach muscle failure on pushups to the point where I will be sore the next day.

Hope this helps someone out there.

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