Weight training

This is my favor 2 arms rotation training. It's very useful in wrestling.



The only thing that I can find in the modern gym that can help me to develop the 2 arms rotation is this.

if your doing 20 reps its to light , unless your expresly body building rather than strengh training, even then ....?
try it. was used back in the days for mass building. some variations over the years but look up Tom Platz he had huge legs doing high reps.
On the other side of the coin you can make a weight heavy by training using "pre-Exhaust" supersets..etc.
try it. was used back in the days for mass building. some variations over the years but look up Tom Platz he had huge legs doing high reps.
On the other side of the coin you can make a weight heavy by training using "pre-Exhaust" supersets..etc.
im ofey with body buildibg technique,

and if for some reason yiu want masive thighs it may be ok, but he was probebly on steriods,, in which case anything works for him, but not for you
if your teying to develop strengh, then heavier less reps is where its at,
if your goibg formuscle growth, then time under tension is where its at, that load/ time, really only the last three reps make any differance, if your doing 20 reps that 17 youve wasted, you could just have done 12 with a heavier weight for more outcomes, or three slowly with a much bigger weight
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im ofey with body buildibg technique,

and if for some reason yiu want masive thighs it may be ok, but he was probebly on steriods,, in which case anything works for him, but not for you
if your teying to develop strengh, then heavier less reps is where its at,
if your goibg formuscle growth, then time under tension is where its at, that load/ time, really only the last three reps make any differance, if your doing 20 reps that 17 youve wasted, you could just have done 12 with a heavier weight for more outcomes
well i remember after a knee operation. I was doing a Tri set of warm up on bike,
Leg press 15+ reps
Lying leg curl 15+ reps
Calf raises 20+ reps

No fancy stuff i could not squat at that time. My legs blew up like balloons. High reps work for me. the steroid theory everyone says but Tom had the genetics. look at pictures of him as a young guy doing high rep squats.
steroids will not make you a champ. you still have to have the structure & genetics.
well i remember after a knee operation. I was doing a Tri set of warm up on bike,
Leg press 15+ reps
Lying leg curl 15+ reps
Calf raises 20+ reps

No fancy stuff i could not squat at that time. My legs blew up like balloons. High reps work for me. the steroid theory everyone says but Tom had the genetics. look at pictures of him as a young guy doing high rep squats.
steroids will not make you a champ. you still have to have the structure & genetics.
a champ? at champ at what, thoose champs that can get away with it use steroid to be come champs,

in body building its the absokute norm, they have special classes for the natral guys, who look nothing like the juicing guys no matter what their genitics were, nothing at all.

it depends what your trainibg to achieve, if your goal is to lift 300 lb 20, then carry on

if its something else like squating 500lbs once, then your doing it wrong.

if your trying to rehabilitate an injury then lifting heavy is just stupid,

if your trying to grow muscle with out steriods, then 60 sec under tention is largely were its at, you could do 2 mins with a lesser weight or 4 mins with a light weight, or as i do 30 secs under max load ir idealy all 4, it really doesnt make a lot of differance to your muscle growth, but does to your strengh, but that is then dependent on how you measure strengh
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a champ? at champ at what, thoose champs that can get away with it use steroid to be come champs,

in body building its the absokute norm, they have special classes for the natral guys, who look nothing like the juicing guys no matter what their genitics were, nothing at all.

it depends what your trainibg to achieve, if your goal is to lift 300 lb 20, then carry on

if its something else like squating 500lbs once, then your doing it wrong.

if your trying to rehabilitate an injury then lifting heavy is just stupid,

if your trying to grow muscle with out steriods, then 60 sec under tention is largely were its at, you could do 2 mins with a lesser weight or 4 mins with a light weight, or as i do 30 secs under max load ir idealy all 4, it really doesnt make a lot of differance to your muscle growth, but does to your strengh, but that is then dependent on how you measure strengh

1: what is your experience of steroids?

2: if taking steroids was a route to being a Mr Olympia or a Professional Athlete we would all be champions. This is not the case why?

3: Genetics play a HUGE role in Bodybuilding & other sports!

4: TUT is good but you are not going to use a heavy load are you ? so you are contradicting yourself in your post. watch platz train then you will understand how he trains to failure. However Bill Pearl trained with very high volume & said do not train to failure, "leave some gas in the tank".
1: what is your experience of steroids?

2: if taking steroids was a route to being a Mr Olympia or a Professional Athlete we would all be champions. This is not the case why?

3: Genetics play a HUGE role in Bodybuilding & other sports!

4: TUT is good but you are not going to use a heavy load are you ? so you are contradicting yourself in your post. watch platz train then you will understand how he trains to failure. However Bill Pearl trained with very high volume & said do not train to failure, "leave some gas in the tank".
body building isnt a sport, it a seriod competition, it isnt just not controled its actively encouraged, can you be mr Olympia with out a generic advantage, prrobebly not, can you be huge, just by taking steriods and hard work, absolutly you can, just about anyone but the most genticaly disadvantaged can achoeve that, your just quotibg steriod boys at me, find an athlete and take performance advice of him not druggies,

if your a fairly good athlete, then steriods will make you an exceptional athlete, good enough to be profesional,? quite possibly so, the margins are really tight, between regional class atheletes and Olympic atheletes, a few % gain and your in the team, if you cant run at all, it probebly wont make much differance, running is a skill in its own right, you need the basics..

its not that hard to cheat even now, and talkibg steriods at say 16 long before you get in cobtrooled competitions gives you a significant advantage going forward, even when your not taken them for years
@_Simon_ - I wrote the huge reply below and then realized I was being kind of pedantic! I probably just got really long winded in trying to basically say, if you like training to failure but have been having challenges with over training you could probably get great results with it by significantly reducing your frequency and volume. Since I already wrote all of that I guess I'll post it, but everyone should feel free to skip it!
I've been consistently training to failure for ~20 years and I've been instructing people through workouts taken to failure for ~15 years of that time. I've got clients who've been working to failure every week or 2 (not counting vacations and what not) for over a decade without any issues. It's what I want for the core of my own personal strength training program and would also feel like I wasn't giving my clients optimal training if I didn't focus on helping them to achieve real, deep failure - with good form. I love the fact that I can do a really effective full body routine that's both brief and infrequent if I'm committed to HIT to failure workouts.

That being said, it is really easy to overdo it when working to failure if you've got the grit to truly achieve muscular (rather than emotional) failure. If you're trying to absolutely optimize results it requires detailed record tracking and constant analysis and adjustments to achieve something close to the ideal of sufficient recovery time and maximum volume and frequency. I've done this for myself and others in the past but I find that for most people, including myself, it's a lot more maintainable and still very effective to reduce volume and frequency to the point where there's no risk of over training - even if that means doing a very limited number of movements only once or twice a month. This seems to be especially true for martial artists and others who pursue strenuous activities outside of resistance training.

I don't know how it is in Australia, but in the US it seems that we all feel that if we're not getting the results we want it just means we're being lazy and should work harder. That might be beneficial in some instances but I find it can easily be counter productive when it comes to strength training. I've met people who were doing hours of MA training weekly, plus daily conditioning (road work, jumping rope, etc.) who still felt like they needed to do high volume HIT strength training routines to failure 2-3x/week. That might be maintainable for the genetically gifted 20 something who's a full time athlete (and probably on the juice), but it's not realistic for the vast majority of humanity. It's also missing the beauty of this kind of workout in my opinion, that being the opportunity to spend most of one's time training in the martial art or sport of one's choice and still get the full benefits of strength training with a minimal time commitment.

I apologize if I sound judgmental, that's not where I'm coming from at all! It sounds like you have experience with a lot of different methods and are very knowledgeable about what works for you. I'm a big believer in resistance training and think most every form is a big positive for people's health and functional ability. It's just been my experience that almost every time I hear someone say that they have problems with chronic illness or constant fatigue when they train to failure I find that the frequency or volume (or both ) of their workouts is way too high for their current age, stress levels, health condition or what have you.
Hey @MetalBoar , no that wasn't judgemental nor pedantic at all, that was incredibly helpful and I really appreciate your thoughtful response!

Yes it's certainly something I've experimented alot with, and failure training, even in small amounts tends to mess up my system. Even doing myoreps (a form of rest-pause training) in which it is essentially bringing your initial activation set close to failure, then doing mini sets so that you are maximising on "effective reps" (those reps closer to full activation), I struggle even with that, as you're spending alot of time in that close to failure range, so I use those cautiously too!

But you do bring up a fantastic point regarding modulating volume and frequency. I'd say that if you are training regularly to failure, you simply can't keep a higher volume and/or frequency, there's always a trade off like you say.

I've also read many many studies regarding failure vs non-failure training, and whilst not an overbearing conclusion, it does seem that non-failure seems as beneficial, if not more productive due to less chance of overdoing the CNS and also mitigating injuries too. Especially with HST and what they're all about along with current research into the main mechanisms of hypertrophy (mechanical tension, metabolic stress, muscle damage if we want to include that as a third, not everyone does). Increasing tension over time (via progressive load over cycles), and also the metabolic components seem to have gathered more light of late as to an important contributor to hypertrophy.

And yeah many very knowledgable folk do say that it's not necessary to go to complete failure but 1-3 reps short is certainly enough to get the benefits associated with going to complete failure, along with saving any detrimental CNS burnout, fatigue, immune system issues, injury etc. I guess that's where I'm at, with knowing my body deeper and deeper each year I'm learning what is most beneficial for me and also mentally it's a big boost to go into a weight training session not having to go to my absolute limits every time. That can be hard to sustain haha..

But that's awesome, your insights are much appreciated! I will definitely keep that in mind, as I'm prioritising other training, this may be a viable way to balance all that. That being said I still come close to failure!
I weight train 3X/wk and do pretty much an all round workout: 10-12 exercises of 12-15 reps each set and repeat. Plus sit-ups. This takes just 45 minutes (minimal rest between sets) and so gives me a cardio workout as well. Goal is general fitness and muscle endurance. Not after any more bulk - at my age (going on 70) it's hard to do that anyway.

Used to do traditional old style Okinawan hojo undoo, but it got to be too intense for my age. Dojo karate workout is 2X/wk for 1.5 hrs each day. At home, I do sanchin kata with dynamic tension daily as well as getting up from my recliner numerous times a day to forage in the kitchen.
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so this is the bench i use for sit ups at home.
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I have other equipment too. will also post a good workout pdf for home training.
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your still posting pictures if steriod boys

nobody in the world trains harder than Antony Joshua, any body with considerably bigger muscles than him is juicing unless they are an Olympic power lifter perhaps
some bodyweight stuff

& you´re still trolling.
im not trolling, you keep post pictures of you heroes, that are chemicaly assisted, why ? what are we goibg to gain from that, what are you going gain from idokisibg them ?

if you want to look anything like that all buy some peds
im not trolling, you keep post pictures of you heroes, that are chemicaly assisted, why ? what are we goibg to gain from that, what are you going gain from idokisibg them ?

if you want to look anything like that all buy some peds
you´re the one who mentions steroids all the time not me & i also asked you what is your experience of them ? no answer so therefor i can conclude you know nothing about them.
Weight training is not just for bodybuilders or "juiced up champs". weight training is the same for women too.
you even stated you would rather use a Bullworker sitting in your chair. GEEZE !
If that is not being stupid what is?

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