I have my ID - a driver's license. However, frankly, we do have two real cities in this state, and in them, the lower income brackets are better served by not wasting money on a vehicle. These people tend to have been showing up to vote with things like their employer IDs, the state registration IDs... and the state hasn't bothered to publicise the new law very much; nor that you have to have your birth certificate(possible $22 and 4-6 weeks) to get the proper ID... which costs $13.50 for the non-driver version, which takes weeks to do the paperwork for in normal times, let alone a pre-election crush, plus a trip to a PennDOT center... which tends to require taking a day off work.
Furthermore, the state has not been doing very much to get the word out that you're going to need an ID at the polls. So, the state is set up to bushwack you at the polls, denying your vote this year, and making you pay a poll tax to vote NEXT year.
Our state is such that the rural, sparsely populated counties tend to vote Republican, and the two big cities vote massively Democratic. Rural voters have to drive, they have licenses. City voters... not so much. Anything that keeps the city dwellers from voting while not impeding the rural voters tilts the state towards the Republicans.
It also turns out that
up to 43% of Philadelphia may not have IDs. Philly votes VERY Democratic. Disenfranchise Philly, and
viola, your election has been fixed. Earlier, they were talking about assigning electoral votes by county, specifically to dilute the elective power of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Then they found a more effective way to throw the election.
This is