We must protect ourselves from the voter fraud problem we do not have!

It would be odd. But you can't do that. Generally, you have to register to vote. When you go to vote, your name has to appear on the rolls in that precinct. You present your voter ID card (no photo on mine, it's just mailed to me) and they cross your name off and give you a ballot. You go vote.

Not here..yes you have to register. But when an election is coming up all I get is a postcard in the mail telling me my polling place. When I arrive I go to a table based on my home location. I give my name..they find it in a book and I sign it. Then I vote.

Theoretically..If "Mr. Jones" my neighbor passed away recently I could likely come back (hours later with new poll workers of course)..give his name and sign.

Yup...thats the way we do it here in NY too.





But. Ironically enough. You needed ID to attend a Holder speech lol!

While Im unconvinced that there is widespread fraud going on, I really don't know what the big deal about the ID is. If you have to register to vote anyway, issue a card. It's way easy with digital cameras and printers these days.
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I personally listenedto many voting pole officials and other officials interview that many had neverseen actual voter fraud and nothing that could constitute more than a rareoccurrence. Hitler was able to seize power under the guise of providing moresecurity and this voter fraud crap is nodifferent.
The people whofeed you this crap must just get a woody every time you run with it?
PolicyBrief on the Truth About “Voter Fraud”

* Fraud by individual voters isboth irrational and extremely rare.
* Many vivid anecdotes of purported voter fraud have been proven false or donot demonstrate fraud.
* Voter fraud is often conflated with other forms of election misconduct.
* Raising the unsubstantiated specter of mass voter fraud suits a particularpolicy agenda.
* Claims of voter fraud should be carefully tested before they become the basisfor action.

Fraud byindividual voters is both irrational and extremely rare.
Most citizens who take the time to vote offertheir legitimate signatures and sworn oaths with the gravitas that thishard-won civic right deserves. Even for the few who view voting merely as ameans to an end, however, voter fraud is a singularly foolish way to attempt towin an election. Each act of voter fraud risks five years in prison and a$10,000 fine - but yields at most one incremental vote. The single vote issimply not worth the price.

Here take some time study about it!!! OhI forgot donÂ’t confuse you with facts!!

As the testimony states, voter fraud just isn't the reason for these laws. Therefor, it isn't a problem. If it isn't a problem, why are you conservative types so for uneeded government intervention? The PA state senator said it was to sway the vote in Romney's favor in the national election. He admitted to it and yet many of you still argue for the ID laws. This is a case of Republican state congresses trying to game the system. If you support that, then fine, but realize that those same laws can and probably will come back to bite you in the backside in future elections. It isn't just poor Democratic voting rights that are being effected. It is also yours.
As the testimony states, voter fraud just isn't the reason for these laws. Therefor, it isn't a problem. If it isn't a problem, why are you conservative types so for uneeded government intervention? The PA state senator said it was to sway the vote in Romney's favor in the national election. He admitted to it and yet many of you still argue for the ID laws. This is a case of Republican state congresses trying to game the system. If you support that, then fine, but realize that those same laws can and probably will come back to bite you in the backside in future elections. It isn't just poor Democratic voting rights that are being effected. It is also yours.

So dems are not smart enough to figure out how to get an ID? I have an ID so it has no effect on my right to vote.
Once again, it is one less thing to worry about in a close election where the democrats try to cheat, especially when they are in control of a state's government. It helps Romney because it is one more layer that protects the vote from democrats cheating, that's all.
Once again, it is one less thing to worry about in a close election where the democrats try to cheat, especially when they are in control of a state's government. It helps Romney because it is one more layer that protects the vote from democrats cheating, that's all.

No proof of that at all and just plain bull dung.
Yeah, here is more cheating coming through today...


The center’s registration forms, some of which have been addressed to the dead, children, even pets and felons ineligible to vote in Virgina, state that recipients are eligible to vote. They come with some personal information already filled in, and instruct recipients to send the forms in to the Virginia State Board of Elections via Business Reply Mail to an address pre-printed on the form. But where do the returned forms really go? A Virginia blogger at the Disrupt the Narrative blog received one of the VPC’s forms in the mail in June 2012, and posted screen shots of the form on the blog. Click the image to enlarge it.

Look at the screenshot of the form above. The address for the State Board of Elections is correct up to the zip code. But the zip code on the form will send it somewhere other than the actual State Board of Elections.
The group bills itself as a Washington-based voter registration group, and on the voter registration form gives its return address as 7109 Staples Mill Rd., #160, Richmond, VA 22238.

Where is that? It certainly is not an office. Click the photos to enlarge them and see.

The evident misdirection of the return address and the permit number registered in Pennsylvania all beg for an answer: Why? These returned registration forms contain real personal information including full legal names, date of birth, and even Social Security numbers. What is the Voter Participation Center really up to, in having forms returned to an address that it says is controlled by a state entity, when that is not the truth? Additionally, where are the completed forms really going?

The Voter Participation Center appears to be spoofing the Virginia State Board of Elections. The Voter Participation Center appears to be receiving forms that respondents believe are going to the Virginia State Board of Elections, but are not. Why? How many states is the VPC operating in?
As I noted in the previous post, the Voter Participation Center is not a non-partisan entity. It is run by longtime Democratic Party operative Page S. Gardner and receives funding from the Tides Center, which is funded by Democratic Party heavyweights including Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of Sen. John Kerry (D-MA). The VPC’s Democratic connections do not stop there. John Podesta, former President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff and current chair and counselor to the Democratic advocacy group Center for American Progress, is on the Voter Participation Center’s board. The CAP is among the many groups on the political left that receive significant funding from George Soros, the billionaire who was convicted of insider trading by a French court in 2002.

I can't say this too often, democrats cheat, early and often, and Voter I.D. is just one more safeguard to protect the voting process, especially in tight races in swing states where as few as a couple hundred votes may steal the election...This group is active in Virginia, Florida, Colorado and Wisconsin...

Virginia, Florida, Colorado, Wisconsin — all of these states are expected to be in play in the presidential election in November, and most polling shows a tightening race in all of them. A small number of votes here and there could make a very significant difference.

Update: The VPC has posted a list of the states it was operating registration drives in in the last quarter of 2011. They are:
Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Washington.
More bull dung, for a couple of reasons. An incorrect zip code will not make an item arrive at a completely wrong address. If a letter is addressed to 1 w 1st street, Somewhere USA but the zip code is incorrect, that doesn't automatically mean it is going to arrive at a specific post office box in Everywhere USA.

Also, even if this story was %100 true, which obviously it is not, voter ID would do nothing what-so-ever to change anything about this story. It is a smoke screen to fool those that won't take the time to really look at what is being done. For emphasis, voter ID would not stop this even if it were true.

Here is fact. Voter fraud is very, very, rare. It is almost evenly split among Democrat, Republican, and Independant registered voters and many times is an honest mistake, like voting at an old polling station after a move. At least in PA, it has been admitted there is no basis for the law UNDER OATH. A state senator from PA stated that it was passed to help Romney in a close race. Voting is a right, and as such any abridgment of the ability to vote without just cause is against the constitution. There has been nothing to indicate that voter ID laws will have any impact on what very little voter fraud there is, though it has been shown that it will cause some problems for poor and elderly voters.
Hmmm...if voting fraud is rare, how do you know how it is split between the parties, how it is an honest mistake or any other information if, as you say, it is so very, very rare?

How is passing voter I.D. that will help Romney in a close race a bad thing. The democrats have cheated in close elections over and over again and forcing them to have their voters show an I.D. will keep them from voting for dead people, for example in Florida where the democrat attorney general Eric "Americans are cowards," Holder has been trying to prevent them from getting dead people off of their voter rolls. If voter I.D. makes it harder for the democrats to cheat, by having other democrats and illegal aliens, vote for dead people, that is going to help Romney by making it harder for the democrats to cheat.
As to the wrong zip code, the article goes into that...

The Disrupt the Narrative blogger inquired about the zip code discrepancy with the US Postal Inspector, and received the following reply.
The Business Reply Mail (BRM) piece, Permit # 78103, containing the zip code 23286 is a unique zip code for BRM in the city of Richmond. The plus 4 number (0508) identifies the station in the city that the mail goes to.
BRM Permit # 78103 is issued out of Denver, CO and is issued to the Voters Participation Center. VPC has many sub accounts who use this number in different states, such as Virginia.
The bogus zip code is not a mistake or misprint. Google mapping 23286-0508 leads to a Richmond, VA park, and a query to the post office nearby at 1801 Brook Rd. in Richmond confirmed that the return address resides within that post office. The Voter Participation Center appears to be spoofing the Virginia State Board of Elections. The Voter Participation Center appears to be receiving forms that respondents believe are going to the Virginia State Board of Elections, but are not. Why? How many states is the VPC operating in?
Here is a look at voter fraud in the poconos...


The DA alleged that Pugh registered to vote in Middle Smithfield Township and voted there four times when she was actually living in Stroud Township.
June 11, 2012

The Monroe County district attorney's office charged the embattled former Middle Smithfield Township golf course director with several counts of voter fraud Monday.
Robyn Pugh was charged with perjury, false swearing in official matters and unlawful voting. She could receive up to 10 years in prison and fines of $20,000.

Pugh voluntarily appeared at the Monroe County Correctional Facility this morning with her attorney, Jim Swetz, for processing before the arraignment in front of District Justice Brian Germano in Smithfield Township.The DA alleged that Pugh registered to vote in Middle Smithfield Township and voted there four times when she was actually living in Stroud Township.

No doubt the State is aware of this case, to name just one. And there are people who find suspicious those 100%-plus turnouts in Philadelphia. Also, of course, let’s not forget ACORN:
These days, liberals pretend they never even heard of ACORN, but the scads of phony voters that ACORN left behind undoubtedly helped motivate the photo ID push in Pennsylvania and other states.Criminal charges involving false voter registrations, it has been reported, were filed in at least two Pennsylvania counties, and in Allegheny County, six ACORN figures were convicted. Other reports said election officials found thousands of phony voter registrations in Philadelphia alone.
News stories said ACORN arranged 149,000 voter registrations in Pennsylvania, virtually all of them Democrats, with the main focus on urban blacks and Latinos.
In every state, the Democrats tell us there is no such thing as voter fraud. Yet as far we can tell, dead people can vote in New Hampshire, anyone who calls himself “Eric Holder” can vote in the District of Columbia, and here in Minnesota, you can register and vote as “Tim Tebow” and no one will be the wiser. It requires a considerable amount of chutzpah–a quality not lacking in Democrats–to refuse to enforce the voting laws, and then argue that there must not be any violations, since so few people get caught.

And the 100% voter participation charge...


The Philadelphia city commissioners, who oversee the administration of elections in Philadelphia, are investigating the state GOP’s complaints that a number of city divisions in last year’s primary election somehow reported more ballots cast on electronic voting machines than voters who signed in.
Corbett, a Republican, used the 100 percent-plus argument several times in the days leading up to his March 14 signing of one of the nation’s toughest voter identification laws, but neither he nor his administration have backed up his statement with a specific example.
“That, to me, demonstrates that something happened, where there was fraud that took place,” he told a Pennsylvania Cable Network interviewer on March 12. Two days later, in a public ceremony to sign the law, he repeated the claim, saying, “how does that happen?”
The state Republican Party brought the complaints to the Philadelphia city commissioners in March after similar complaints in recent years that a prior slate of commissioners had dismissed because of questions about the accuracy of the data, said Joseph DeFelice, the Philadelphia director for the state Republican Party.
The newly elected chairwoman of the Philadelphia city commissioners, Stephanie Singer, said Thursday that she’s concerned about the phenomenon, but is not ready to say whether fraud actually occurred.
“It needs to be investigated,” she said, “and the same analysis should be run … in other counties.”

Singer said one of the three divisions she has so far personally looked into had a straightforward explanation. In north Philadelphia’s 20th ward, the confusion was caused by a machine assigned to the 11th division that recorded dozens more ballots than voters who signed in there after it was switched to a polling place for a different division, Singer said.
But in the other two divisions, she couldn’t find an immediate explanation. Singer said she also plans to investigate a handful of other divisions scattered around the city where, according to the data, there were “substantial over-votes” in the 2011 primary.
There may be innocent explanations: for instance, machine error or poll workers failing to make a log entry for everyone who walks in to vote. But it is also possible that polling place workers colluded to run up vote tallies for favored candidates.

For emphasis...

a handful of other divisions scattered around the city where, according to the data, there were “substantial over-votes” in the 2011 primary.
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And one last embedded article, seperated from the rest to make it easier to digest...


Why is there so little evidence of voter fraud?


It is an article of faith on the Left that there is no need to protect the integrity of the ballot, e.g. by voter ID laws, because there is hardly any voter fraud. They assure us it’s true, but how can they know, since in many states no effort is made to prevent voter fraud or to catch those who perpetrate it?

James O’Keefe made the point yesterday in New Hampshire. Here is how his group, Project Veritas, describes what it did:
On January 10th, Project Veritas reporters walked into New Hampshire Polling Locations during the Presidential Primaries, saying dead people’s names. We stated the name of a dead person we got from the NH obituaries. The names of the deceased were both Registered Republican and Democrats And in almost every case, saying a dead person’s name, we were handed a ballot to cast a vote. We used no misrepresentation and no false pretenses. in fact, in almost every case, we insisted we show ID and they insisted that we vote without showing ID.

How much does this kind of fraud go on for real? I think the best evidence that it is widespread is the Democrats’ hysterical reaction to every effort to protect ballot integrity–including, now, threats by Obama’s Department of Justice to persecute states that try to prevent voter fraud.
So for the non ID folks let me ask you should I need to even provide my name or address? Why should I need to even register at all
Billi, it is the right that wants to infringe upon the right to vote, therefor it is the right's job to prove that voter ID is needed to fight voter fraud. That threshhold has not been met. If there were proof that voter ID was needed to fight voter fraud, then I could maybe support the idea. However, as it stands even those in state legislatures enacting the laws cannot point to any fraud, much less fraud that would be tackled by the voter ID laws. However, there has been a few studies showing the impact of voter ID laws on the poor and elderly. That means you are infringing on people's right to vote for an imaginary crisis of voter fraud that has not been proven? It is kind of what many of you folks are saying about enacting stricter gun laws. There is no need to punish law abiding citizens making it more difficult to own a gun because of the few that do not obey the law...of course in the case of voter fraud there are far less cases that of gun violence.
Billi, it is the right that wants to infringe upon the right to vote, therefor it is the right's job to prove that voter ID is needed to fight voter fraud. That threshhold has not been met. If there were proof that voter ID was needed to fight voter fraud, then I could maybe support the idea. However, as it stands even those in state legislatures enacting the laws cannot point to any fraud, much less fraud that would be tackled by the voter ID laws. However, there has been a few studies showing the impact of voter ID laws on the poor and elderly. That means you are infringing on people's right to vote for an imaginary crisis of voter fraud that has not been proven? It is kind of what many of you folks are saying about enacting stricter gun laws. There is no need to punish law abiding citizens making it more difficult to own a gun because of the few that do not obey the law...of course in the case of voter fraud there are far less cases that of gun violence.

Well, I agree. And I think that the comments made by the GOP guy in the article quoted earlier make it clear what the intent of the law in PA is. The fact that there is no fraud to protect the voters of PA from is made clear by the state's own officials, who testified that there was no such fraud. Period. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing left to say. The rest is desperate flailing around, trying to prove a reason that doesn't exist by the explicit admission of those who want the law (in PA). It will be interesting to see how the court case turns out.
So for the non ID folks, let me ask you, should I need to even provide my name or address? Why should I need to even register at all

Exactly, lets just say it's the right thing to do. I understand about the poor and the elderly, I get that. Lets make it easier for them to vote, but not just letting any, and everybody, walk in and vote, no. There may not be voter fraud going on, but ID is a good stop measure to put in place to be assured of that. It only makes sense.
The Republicans in my state have disenfranchised a HALF MILLION active voters. In the face of the potential for tens of fraudlent votes at the hands of insufficently updated voter rolls.
Exactly, lets just say it's the right thing to do. I understand about the poor and the elderly, I get that. Lets make it easier for them to vote, but not just letting any, and everybody, walk in and vote, no. There may not be voter fraud going on, but ID is a good stop measure to put in place to be assured of that. It only makes sense.

Except we don't let 'just anybody' walk in and vote.

As I've said before, doesn't anyone on this thread besides myself ACTUALLY VOTE? If you did, you'd know that the comment you made about voting isn't true.

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