WC Always Being Picked On...WHY?!?!

I've never heard MMA people here disrespect any style, we actually have some JKD people who train with us, we don't have any WC as we have very few other styles who practice near enough to us to us. We are quite rural. anyone of any style is very welcome to come and train with us and we are encouraged to train anywhere we want to and feel we can learn something.
Tez3..This is a pretty mellow place. I was speaking of mostly elsewhere and not just MMA people either. Sh&t talking in general. I have been on forums for awhile mostly for drag racing. On let say a drag racing forum someone talks sh&t we meet up and settle it. Fighting or racing it gets settled. MA forums it just a constant loop of sh&t talking. If you think your ___ is better. Prove It. It's that simple. That's why MMA gets respect and WC doesn't, plain and simple.

Excuse all my bad language. I have a getto side that comes out from time to time. When I was younger I spent a lot of time on the streets doing things I probably shouldn't of been doing. Fun times :)
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When it comes to the utilisation of 'colourful' language, Jake, just type it in and let the boards Profanity Filter sort it out. I know that you've mistyped the swear words incorrectly on purpose above so as not to give too much offence but it really is better to let the Filter do it's work.
MMA speaks to everything that people, at least Americans, have grown up with as fighting. Boxing type punches, if you get into trouble just lunge at the guy. It fits right in with how their dad taught them to punch when they were kids, or every fight they have seen in the school yard.

-Furthermore, their skill set is designed for their rules and competition. finger jabs to the eyes, any strikes to the back of the head, etc. are not allowed. So in order for a WC guy to play in their world he/she would have to leave a few things at the door. Whereas if a MMA person would agree to a truly "no holds barred" fight with a WC person I feel that the MMA person would probably bring the same moves, but the WC person would now have their full library to utilize.
MMA speaks to everything that people, at least Americans, have grown up with as fighting. Boxing type punches, if you get into trouble just lunge at the guy. It fits right in with how their dad taught them to punch when they were kids, or every fight they have seen in the school yard.

-Furthermore, their skill set is designed for their rules and competition. finger jabs to the eyes, any strikes to the back of the head, etc. are not allowed. So in order for a WC guy to play in their world he/she would have to leave a few things at the door. Whereas if a MMA person would agree to a truly "no holds barred" fight with a WC person I feel that the MMA person would probably bring the same moves, but the WC person would now have their full library to utilize.

What to you then is an 'MMA person'? To me and most here it's a martial artist, someone who has a background in the traditional arts whether it's Judo, karate, Muay Thai, TKD, BJJ or WC. To assume an 'MMA person' is going to react in a predictable way and to remain in 'competition mode' is a mistake. You think because we compete we can only fight seriously within those rules, it would be a grave miscalculation to think so. Do you think that those who fight in full contact karate comps can only fight within those rules or do you realise that they can also fight in wider terms without rules. I can assure you that those who train MMA are just as comfortable without rules as within them. You are looking only at the surface, you aren't looking beyond what you see on the television.
I know of no fighter here ( nor any from Europe and I doubt you will find any from Asia either) who comes from a boxing background, we are all from karate, TKD, Muay Thai etc in other words we are traditional martial artists who enjoy competing under MMA rules. Our skill set is everybit as wide as yours and we can do the 'eye gouging, groin strikes' etc etc. We can also fight under different rules, many of us will also enter kickboxing competitions under their different rules as well as Muay Thai European and full Thai rules. Our brains are quite able to swap between these different rules as well as fighting under no rules. Where I find American MMA differers from the rest of the worlds is that with it's very strong wrestling background most Americans don't have the same JJ, BJJ or Judo backgrounds, this is why you will find few Europeans or Brits in the UFC, it's a different thing from what we do. If you are basing your assumptions of MMA purely on televised American MMA I suggest you look to the wider picture.
Martial artist are people just like anyone else. That means there are great, honorable martial artist and there are meatheads and douchebags too. No system or sport can claim to have a lock on either sort.
I think the ignorance demonstrated by some people is a phenomenon that can be seen at play by spectators of a large number of sports.

If you go to a Rugby League game in my state of Australia your very likely to see some overweight beer swilling slob criticising and abusing a player for what may have been a minor mistake in the course of the game.

But that same beer swilling slob screaming out profanities at this player in all likelihood has probably never even laced up a football boot or indeed engaged in any exercise in his entire life but somehow seems to think himself entitled to criticise.

The point is you will get these beer swilling drop kicks everywhere , MMA has spectators like any other sport , a large percentage of these fans will be people that are well informed and appreciate the skill involved with any martial art.

But as with the Rugby League analogy there are those aforementioned beer swilling dropkicks that give the rest a bad name.
The true fighters would be too busy training to even worry about what other people are up to , as we ourselves should be doing.
not sure if soem of you got what i ment...i never said that all MMA fighters/trainers are ignorant morons. I said mostly and with that people have made good points and arguments on it. Anytime an MMA thread has come up on the topic of WC it just seems like most MMA fighters put it down. Again this is just a pattern i have seen and i am not saying ALL people that train in MMA are the same. I just asked a question if it was something that other people have noticed.

I just love hearing the arguments from people that either have no skill in astyle (MMA, WC, Kung Fu, Karate, etc) and feel they can pass judgement or insult that art. All sports have those morons that think they know everything yet never played the sport or trained in the art. I was just curious if anybody else has ever heard of this. Sorry if i offended anyone.
not sure if soem of you got what i ment...i never said that all MMA fighters/trainers are ignorant morons. I said mostly and with that people have made good points and arguments on it. Anytime an MMA thread has come up on the topic of WC it just seems like most MMA fighters put it down. Again this is just a pattern i have seen and i am not saying ALL people that train in MMA are the same. I just asked a question if it was something that other people have noticed.

I just love hearing the arguments from people that either have no skill in astyle (MMA, WC, Kung Fu, Karate, etc) and feel they can pass judgement or insult that art. All sports have those morons that think they know everything yet never played the sport or trained in the art. I was just curious if anybody else has ever heard of this. Sorry if i offended anyone.

Sorry but again you are managing to genealise adversely against MMA people, I've never actually heard any MMA person say anything for or against WC. You say not all MMA people but mostly they do and again you are wrong to lump everyone in the same group. You ask why WC is picked on but proceed to then 'pick on' MMA!
To be honest I rarely hear any martial artists passing judgement on other styles, non martial artists tend to say nothing. As Mook Jong Man has pointed out you will get armchair critics everywhere. I haven't seen any threads on MMA on MT that have criticised WC either and the MMA one I go on, a UK site, certainly hasn't mentioned WC, if it ever does it's nearly always about Sami Berik because he's a WC practicioner who brings a lot to his fights and is respected for it, quite the opposite from what you are saying.
You say you love hearing arguments from non martial artists, why? If you are looking to be insulted I'm sure you can always find somewhere to go but why not look at the positive side of your style instead of slagging off MMA?
Sorry but again you are managing to genealise adversely against MMA people, I've never actually heard any MMA person say anything for or against WC. You say not all MMA people but mostly they do and again you are wrong to lump everyone in the same group. You ask why WC is picked on but proceed to then 'pick on' MMA!
To be honest I rarely hear any martial artists passing judgement on other styles, non martial artists tend to say nothing. As Mook Jong Man has pointed out you will get armchair critics everywhere. I haven't seen any threads on MMA on MT that have criticised WC either and the MMA one I go on, a UK site, certainly hasn't mentioned WC, if it ever does it's nearly always about Sami Berik because he's a WC practicioner who brings a lot to his fights and is respected for it, quite the opposite from what you are saying.
You say you love hearing arguments from non martial artists, why? If you are looking to be insulted I'm sure you can always find somewhere to go but why not look at the positive side of your style instead of slagging off MMA?

first off no im not generlizing MMA....let me explain myself...i said mostly because anytime i have watched a video on youtube regarding WC people have gone off about how much better MMA is. Yes i understand that these people are arm chair critics and that they dont seem to understand WC or MMA and just talk based on what they have seen on TV. I PERSONALLY think that MMA is a very interesting and viable fighting style. I know that in real life it is useful and not just something thats only used inside of a fighting ring. I talked about how those guys that me and a friend were hanging out with went off like a bunch of ignorant meat heads regarding MMA.
I know that people who actually study, practice, train and understand MMA dont do that, but at a few conventions i have heard guys go off about how "bad ***" MMA is and that it can take any art. This doesnt mean the whole MMA groups that train it are going to be like that its just something i observed.

I also understand that there are people that train in kung fu, karate, judo and the like there are guys that brag about how "bad ***" they are and are ignorant to other arts. It was just something i asked. i think i explained my self fully here, i AM NOT TARGETTING MMA PEOPLE or insulting them...it was just something that happened to me the other night i went out. Thats all....
You must be thinking of MMA guys in the UK. They talk a lot of smack about other martial arts styles, tend to be very rude and like to pick their noses a lot. You'll find that this sort of thing rarely occurs in America... well, except the nose picking. I see guys doing that all the time in their cars (like we can't see you!)*

As for me, I have never played soccer, but have no problem telling people that it's what American kids play when they don't have hand/eye coordination enough to play a real sport, like football!

*Disclaimer: The above post is completely tongue in cheek, except for the parts about nose picking and soccer. :)
As for me, I have never played soccer, but have no problem telling people that it's what American kids play when they don't have hand/eye coordination enough to play a real sport, like football!

*Disclaimer: The above post is completely tongue in cheek, except for the parts about nose picking and soccer. :)

2 things

1) I'm rather confused...first you talk about the UK...then soccer..then football..... DonÂ’t they call soccer football in the UK :confused: :uhyeah:
2) JUST WAIT till I tell my friend who was a professional soccer player about THIS :tantrum: :uhyeah:

:sp114: :sp111:
They call soccer football to remind them that they don't have to try and use their hands. If they had any actual hand/eye coordination, they'd play a sport that involves using hands and feet both. Like baseball. The kids who play soccer are just out there getting exercise.

See, I have absolutely no problem speaking with authority on a subject about which I clearly know very little! :D

As for your friend, I'm not too worried about it. In a fight, he'd probably forget to use his hands completely... wait... is TKD the perfect martial art for a soccer player? :ultracool :angel:
As for your friend, I'm not too worried about it. In a fight, he'd probably forget to use his hands completely... wait... is TKD the perfect martial art for a soccer player? :ultracool :angel:

Savate :EG:

Actually he once had someone say the whole hand eye coordination thing to him and his response was..."who needs hand eye coordination... when you have foot eye coordination" :EG: :D

Besides, with a soccer ball...he is lethal at about 20 yards :uhyeah:
Steve you're cruisin for a bruisin mate!

Football ( soccer to you lot) is a game of gentlemen played by thugs whereas rugby is a game of thugs played by gentlemen! Forget footie, watch rugby, no padding, crunching tackles and real excitement (well for me when the All Blacks do their Haka with their shirts off...be still my beating heart!) Seriously, get into rugby, it's brilliant, that and Aussie Rules football!

I will be over to sort you out Steve as soon as I win the lottery! I'll bring my gang too so you can see real MMA at work! :)
I had a friend who played rugby when I was in high school. Took me out a couple times for practice. Don't remember much about the rules, but it was a good time.

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