Watch where you point that thing, Marine

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I don't agree with the writer's premise about Islam; but she has a valid point as well.

Watch where you point that thing, Marine
By: Diana West | 12/03/11 8:05 PM
Examiner Columnist
Having written countless columns and blog posts arguing that see-no-Islam counterinsurgency strategy (COIN) has led to failure in two wars in the umma and the dhimmification of the U.S. military, it's almost funny to see the debate more or less officially joined over my recent column on what appears to be simply the gross-out, PG-13 movie topic of peeing toward Mecca. Or, rather, not peeing toward Mecca.

The latter is the lesson, which an Afghan Muslim contractor hired by the Marine Corps has been teaching Marines before they deploy to Afghanistan, in accordance with an Islamic canonical hadith.

The Nov. 28 print edition of Marine Corps Times calls it "excretory etiquette," and carries an article and a lead editorial on the subject. But this isn't just about etiquette. Given its Islamic religious derivation, the Marines' excretory instruction strikes me as a violation of religious freedom.

Who is the U.S. Marine Corps to instruct American citizens to bring their personal hygiene practices into accord with Islamic law? The Marine Corps, in this case, is acting as a vehicle of Islamic law, which comprehensively rules on all manner of personal habits as well as on civil and legal affairs.

Part of it is 'when in Rome' etiquette. However, there is also the point of view that we're not there to please our unwilling hosts, and we're leaving as soon as we can. We have our traditions, they have theirs. I think a little mutual ignoring the insulting behavior of the other is in order.
Ok so you do a 90 degree turn, location permitting...
(better yet, don't be caught with your fly open!)
It would be nice if men were taught how to aim properly and not wet the floor, the wall and the surroundings, at least if they had to think about where they 'point' they might actually think about how their toilet 'behaviour' affetcs others especially those that have to clean up after them!!!
It would be nice if men were taught how to aim properly and not wet the floor, the wall and the surroundings, at least if they had to think about where they 'point' they might actually think about how their toilet 'behaviour' affetcs others especially those that have to clean up after them!!!

A) It doesn't work the way you may think it does. More of a sprinkler than a fire hose.
B) Marines don't care anyway.
C) Marines clean up after themselves every Thursday; it's called 'Field Day' and if it's unsat, no liberty that weekend.

Old joke about Marines. Seems a Marine was leaving the head (Marine word for 'latrine') when a soldier stopped him and sniffed, "You know, Marine, in the Army, they teach us to wash our hands after we pee." The Marine regarded the soldier as one gazes on an annoying insect and replies, "In the Marines, we know not to pee on our hands."
It would be nice if men were taught how to aim properly and not wet the floor, the wall and the surroundings, at least if they had to think about where they 'point' they might actually think about how their toilet 'behaviour' affetcs others especially those that have to clean up after them!!!

That's woman talk!

(but the best latrine is still a tree with a fence around it...the latter is optional)
A) It doesn't work the way you may think it does. More of a sprinkler than a fire hose.
B) Marines don't care anyway.
C) Marines clean up after themselves every Thursday; it's called 'Field Day' and if it's unsat, no liberty that weekend.

Old joke about Marines. Seems a Marine was leaving the head (Marine word for 'latrine') when a soldier stopped him and sniffed, "You know, Marine, in the Army, they teach us to wash our hands after we pee." The Marine regarded the soldier as one gazes on an annoying insect and replies, "In the Marines, we know not to pee on our hands."

Mmm, you forget we are the mothers of boys, we send them out into the world trained but as soon as men leave home that's it, ask their wives!

Heads is an old Royal Navy expression you lot have obviously adopted as well. :) do you have runs ashore, wets and brown hatters too?
IDK, but, are US Servicemen allowed to urinate outdoors anywhere? I seem to recall seeing a number of photos and videos with portapotties. If they are NOT allowed to urinate outdoors, than any training or guidance in regards to urination is nothing more than a waste of time and resources.
IDK, but, are US Servicemen allowed to urinate outdoors anywhere? I seem to recall seeing a number of photos and videos with portapotties. If they are NOT allowed to urinate outdoors, than any training or guidance in regards to urination is nothing more than a waste of time and resources.

Considering there are military manuals that instruct soldiers to engage in swimming motions when submerced in water above/below standing depth on their on....I think taking a tinkle al fresco is covered as well, no?
Considering there are military manuals that instruct soldiers to engage in swimming motions when submerced in water above/below standing depth on their on....I think taking a tinkle al fresco is covered as well, no?
I think you'd be amazed. They used to use cat holes on field excercises at Fort Lewis. But, in 92, when I was there the environmentalists had already applied enough pressure to end that practice and have portapotties scattered around training areas.
There is a difference between training people the most effective way to swim, and how to pee.
IDK, but, are US Servicemen allowed to urinate outdoors anywhere? I seem to recall seeing a number of photos and videos with portapotties. If they are NOT allowed to urinate outdoors, than any training or guidance in regards to urination is nothing more than a waste of time and resources.

I remember quite a few places we werent allowed to "go" outside. In Bridgeport Californa we had to "go" in bags and then keep them with us until we got back to the base camp. We were away over 2 weeks during one training period. Thats a lot of suff to carry with you. Okinawa was another place I rememebr we had to use porto-pots not the jungle.
I think you'd be amazed. They used to use cat holes on field excercises at Fort Lewis. But, in 92, when I was there the environmentalists had already applied enough pressure to end that practice and have portapotties scattered around training areas.
There is a difference between training people the most effective way to swim, and how to pee.


training how to swim?
But putting it into the manual that the soldier is to swim without further instructions from a superior should the water depth warrant it?
Now THAT I call priceless!

Then again...I have encountered guys who would rather pee in a bottle than go downstairs in the barracks. :D
I'd be surprised if the military didn't cover the hygiene that one can find in a basic backbacking class.

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