Master Black Belt
I was the primary Firearms inspector for the largest Firearms retailer in in America in a state with the most laxed gun laws in America. 90% of them didn't know what they were doing, especially the guys who really thought they were gun experts ironically. I had guns pointed at me all day long, people pointing them at passing by customers, infants in shopping carts in strollers even, aimed right at their heads.
Countless people swearing they're unloaded only to find one in the chamber or a full clip even. Safetys off.
I see big tough guys with sweaty palms shaking as they open their chambers in the direction of customers, 50% of them don't even follow instructions at all.
Everyone thinks they can handle firearms but the truth is you can't, and you are an idiot, and you shouldn't have a gun.
"Firearms Inspector" calling a magazine, "clip"?
From what I've seen at gun shows, gun shops, etc. most of the people there are really fat and out of shape. I bet many of them can't even fight and are quite wimpy, which is why they really need a gun more than anyone else. I've challenged a bunch of gun dudes from a big gun forum to come back up their posts to me at my gym, and they banned me. The post is still there though. A big guy did show up the same night, wearing a t-shirt advertising some tactical accessory and watched my class for a long *** time through the windows but never came in and talk to me, sign the waiver, etc. Could of been a coincident though.
I mean, you still can die from just getting punched once in the street....or go into a coma and be a vegetable for life. And you can't really get rid of the knives as easily as you can guns.
And you suggest to fight it out with "broomsticks & bar stools"? Those are deadly weapons.
Watch at 4:15
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