I was saying that the trip to and from the bus stop/metro is when people are vulnerable. I didn't mean that they'd most likely to get shot on the bus or in the metro station, where both are full of other passengers, witnesses, security, cameras, etc. ...even though they could.
And if a law abiding citizen illegally carries a gun to protect themselves while walking to the bus/metro in order to safely get to work in the tighty whitey suburbs, then they'd have no choice but to bring their guns there also because where else would they store it....risking felony possession/carrying.....which goes back to my main argument that people in the 'hood need a liberal CCW program. Because payday Friday is when dudes are walking home with a pocket full of cash.
I don't think it's that small of a percentage. Because if they get off work at 6pm, it's still going to be around 8pm when they get home and 6-7pm is when the scumbags starts hanging outside more. In the fall, that's near dark and winter = full darkness. Then there are the many people who work restaurants that leave work at 11pm and later. Most of these people are not professionals, so it's rare that their hours will be 9-5.
Anyway cops would stop and check for weapons, a lot....pretty sure they weren't legal detainments neither. And this was during a time where you don't **** with cops, let alone shove a camera in their face....hell, that was when personal cameras were full sized VHS camcorders starting at $4k, haha. "They" had shitty guns too, and they were .22LR's mostly because there were no threats coming from the average citizens there. Sure, if the average 'hood citizen was being threatened or something, then they'd carry a weapon, even a gun....but it's still not all the time, EDC like many people with CCW's . After they feel that the threat has subsided, then they'd stop carrying that gun, b/c it's illegal and they don't want to risk charges....and they may also have had prior charges, which makes everything worse.