Wah Lum - Locking Hands (Kaam Na Sau)

Hello fellow board members,

I began a few months ago training in the Wah Lum system. I am definitely what you would call a beginner, I have never learned a martial art in my life and have gotten out of shape from lack of working out of the past three years. Joining has made me lose weight and start getting into better shape, and I have enjoyed everything about the school and system so far.

My question I am posting is to fellow Wah Lum students, I am trying to work on my Kaam Na Sau aka Locking Hands exercise which is Exercise #2. I just finished completing the 8 basic punches left and right. For some reason whether itÂ’s because IÂ’m really out of shape and tired half way through class that my mind doesnÂ’t focus as well or if itÂ’s a reason such as perhaps IÂ’m not a visual learner, but I have trouble sometimes picking up on hand motions or twist while looking straight on at someone. I do a lot better when side by side with the instructor looking into a mirror.

Anyways I started learning the Locking Hands exercise on Monday and didnÂ’t get too far, I got past the initial Yi Bei, then did the thing (this is where I mess up on the hand motions) where you move your left hand from your waist up your chest and then out to your left side, while making your hand into a claw for grabbing, (I still am not sure if I have my hand facing the correct way as I bring it up to my chest and then open it into the claw as I put it out to my left side), then you do the same with the right, then bring the two claws from being fingers horizontal to the claw flipping and being vertical and simultaneously bringing them together side by side in the middle of your chest, then you do a pulling in motion and flip your hands while then closing them to fists and bringing them to your sides. (Sorry for the long explanation), I got as far as the next step where you put your right foot into 7 star horse stance at a 45 degree angle and then grab with your left to a 45 degree angle on your left side, then your right arm goes into a fist up by the side of your head while you simultaneously pull the left hand to your waist, you pivot your waist while your arm stays in same position till your arm is able to hit with the back of your fist where you were previously grabbing, and your legs go into hill climbing horse stance.

Is there any fellow Wah Lum members who can help me with what comes next so I can practice, practice, practice before my next class, I would really like to get it down well because I felt like I wasnÂ’t catching onto it as fast as the other student who was learning it with me. I donÂ’t know how easy it is for you to explain it but whether you could make a crude drawing of the steps or even a short video of yourself I would be eternally grateful. I will not judge your performance so even if you are a beginner student who is a little further than me, anything helps, you donÂ’t have to be perfect because my sifu will correct any mistakes I make when I go to class. I would just like to surprise my sifu with knowing it as well as I can by then. I donÂ’t know anyone from the temple as far as training with them outside or having a relationship where I can ask them for help outside of class.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my question and for any help you might be able to provide.

Moderator, please delete this thread. My great sifu cleared it all up for me today and now I can practice it the next few days. I'm a beginner and was just trying to find help but now I know the best source of help is my sifu at the school who is always willing to help.
Moderator, please delete this thread. My great sifu cleared it all up for me today and now I can practice it the next few days. I'm a beginner and was just trying to find help but now I know the best source of help is my sifu at the school who is always willing to help.

While yoru Sifu is the best source of info for what you are currently studying , do not dismiss the helpfulness of this forum though :) There are hundreds of years of Martial Arts experience contained in this Virtual Forum. Many helpful tips , tricks, and advice, if you know where to look , what to ask , and how to use search thread option :P

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