KT:Let's talk Obscure Claws

Clark Kent

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Let's talk Obscure Claws
By Darkside - 04-02-2009 10:28 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


Talking about obscure claws in another thread and also doing some video research on the good ole' youtube has got me thinking. The way I have been taught the technique we step back past our opponent with our right leg, delivering the elbow then two claws, but this is where what I am being taught differs from what I have been seeing/reading in text. We hook under their left arm with an uppercut motion with our right arm, while pressing our left hand on the front of their left shoulder, and at the same time doing an in place twist stance and cranking up on their arm causing a dislocation/break. I also notice if done in close enough proximity I am almost knocking over my opponent when going into the in place twist. What I have seen or read does not call for an in place twist and also has you pinning their left hand to your shoulder.

So, basically I am just curious as to how everyone else performs the tech and any thoughts or comments on it..For a reference here is the description of the tech..

Obscure Claws (Right Flank- Left Hand Shoulder Grab)

1. An attacker at 3 o'clock grabs your right shoulder with their left hand.

2. Step your right foot to 6 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as your right circles clockwise and claws your attacker's face. Follow through with your right arm and circle over your attacker's arm as a left inward claw strikes your attacker's face.

3. Immediately step your right foot to 12 o'clock into a right neutral bow as you execute a right uppercut to break your attacker's elbow joint.

4. Step to 12 o'clock with your left foot into a left inverted neutral bow. Pivot out into a right forward bow facing 4:30 as your right hand reverses its motion and circles as a right looping backfist to your attacker's right mastoid as you simultaneously execute a left inward horizontal palm strike to your attacker's solar plexus.

5. Follow through with your right hand and pivot into a right neutral bow as you execute a right outward inverted middle knuckle strike to your attacker's sternum.

6. Cross out to 10:30.


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