Wah Lum Exploration

Whis is this Saam Sing of which you speak? Is it a meditative thing? We do a bai fut sao (sp?) where we stand ma bu and focus breathing/meditate, then the same in left and right mountain-climbing.

Nah... nothing so peaceful. Forearm conditioning with a partner or post.

Also you can do it for your shins too...
Ah, no. Nothing like that, yet. I notice that just catching my wrist in this strike is causing a small amount of bruising and, so, I will treat this as a form of wrist conditioning.
I was having some trouble with my fingers; they were getting mighty stiff, sore and had a few ganglion cysts. However when I started doing the “Hand conditioning” (palm strikes on trees) my fingers got much better.

However I do not recommend this to anyone as a form of therapy. And I STILL can't bring myself to do an elbow strike on a tree.

The forearm conditioning was a bit more painful but it was still good training. Also did some of that with a partner in Wing Chun and to be honest I'd rather hit the tree.
There now doesn't that feel better :D

In Sanda we did that with trees :EG:

I'll have to take a picture of the "Stump of Woe" at my sifu's ... It's a landscaping log planted upright & then knocked loose in the ground from being hit.
Ah, no. Nothing like that, yet. I notice that just catching my wrist in this strike is causing a small amount of bruising and, so, I will treat this as a form of wrist conditioning.

Yeah doing the catch on it could do that. Have you started bruising the palm side of your hand & fingers from slapping kicks yet? That always hurt.
When people say something along the lines of "I do kung fu" before they get into a fight, I don`t think they mean "Whatch it, I can kick your butt".

I think they`re really saying "Dude, I`ve been living with pain every day for xxx years. Anything you can do to me will just be breaking the monotony."
I think they`re really saying "Dude, I`ve been living with pain every day for xxx years. Anything you can do to me will just be breaking the monotony."

Interesting standpoint... interesting indeed... hmmmm.... :bangahead::bangahead:
When people say something along the lines of "I do kung fu" before they get into a fight, I don`t think they mean "Whatch it, I can kick your butt".

I think they`re really saying "Dude, I`ve been living with pain every day for xxx years. Anything you can do to me will just be breaking the monotony."

I am Xue Sheng and I support the quoted post :D

I never thought about it that way...but you know.... I do beleive you are correct :asian:
I think it's really begun. I did an extra night of training (about an hours worth) and, both Wednesday and Friday, completed the run at the beginning of class. Also stayed a while after class to train on Friday. Something this week had a breakthrough in it and I like it.

My legs, however, still sing a different tune.
don't worry about it... as time goes on the pain will just move to another part of your body...welcome to CMA :EG:
i think it's really begun. I did an extra night of training (about an hours worth) and, both wednesday and friday, completed the run at the beginning of class. Also stayed a while after class to train on friday. Something this week had a breakthrough in it and i like it.

My legs, however, still sing a different tune.

whoo hoo!
Ok...So, a month and a half in to this and

We learned the last fist last night; so, at his point, we have a general 'attack from 4 directions' form and the 8 fists form. Also, a nice handful of techniques from simple drops, blocks and punches to a joint manip or two.

Yah, Xue, it hurts.
Yah, Sean, something new is always being found to hurt

But! It's a very satisfying workout and a very challenging style.

I also learned, last night, that if I'm the crash-test dummy that Sifu chooses, I should go with it, rather than resist.
I also learned, last night, that if I'm the crash-test dummy that Sifu chooses, I should go with it, rather than resist.

ABSOLUTLY 100% go with it.

If the Sifu uses you to demonstrate.... GO WITH IT... you will learn a lot that way.

My taiji sifu has two approaches; If he is going to show a light, not so serious application, without pain and agony he chooses any student in the class…if he wants to throw someone around like a rag doll and get serious....he chooses me :EG: and I learn a hell of a lot that way

Ok, so...kung fu hurts like hell; but, I love it, right? I ran '8 Basic Kicks' through Babelfish in Mandarin and Cantonese and they both translated directly into 'Unbearable Pain is Only The Beginning'.

Also, Sifu wants me to step up my training by including weapons and sparring beginning next month. Not bad, I think?

Still not smoking...63 days.
Ok, so...kung fu hurts like hell; but, I love it, right? I ran '8 Basic Kicks' through Babelfish in Mandarin and Cantonese and they both translated directly into 'Unbearable Pain is Only The Beginning'.

Funny... I found that exact same translation for almost everything CMA related when done properly. It shouldn't "hurt" you to practice it, but you should definitely feel the burn during & after. If it "hurts", you're doing it wrong. If it's that good muscle building fat burning burn, you're rocking & rollin'!

Also, Sifu wants me to step up my training by including weapons and sparring beginning next month. Not bad, I think?

Nice... should be a stick & sparring... that one I'm of a mixed thought on. IMHO only, you're way too new to "spar". I don't mean that in a bad way, but you haven't got your basics yet. That'll take a year or more to "have" them. THEN... you can spar, because your propensity to kickbox will be less & your tendency to use CMA techniques & combos only will be in place. If my sifu, when sparring was going on, saw people starting to kickbox would pull them out & had them start working their basics & combos again. After a while, he'd them back in. If no kickboxing, they continued. If they went back to kickboxing, they went back to basics.

However I think you should get in the ring to see & feel it, from both sides. But too early I think leads to bad habits.

Still not smoking...63 days.

If it "hurts", you're doing it wrong. If it's that good muscle building fat burning burn, you're rocking & rollin'!
Then I am, indeed, rocking and rolling.

Nice... should be a stick & sparring... that one I'm of a mixed thought on. IMHO only, you're way too new to "spar". I don't mean that in a bad way, but you haven't got your basics yet. That'll take a year or more to "have" them. THEN... you can spar, because your propensity to kickbox will be less & your tendency to use CMA techniques & combos only will be in place. If my sifu, when sparring was going on, saw people starting to kickbox would pull them out & had them start working their basics & combos again. After a while, he'd them back in. If no kickboxing, they continued. If they went back to kickboxing, they went back to basics.

However I think you should get in the ring to see & feel it, from both sides. But too early I think leads to bad habits.
This isn't my first rodeo. Also, it seems as if sparring means two man techniques, as far as I can tell. It's strongly guided.
This isn't my first rodeo. Also, it seems as if sparring means two man techniques, as far as I can tell. It's strongly guided.

Don't worry Mr. Egg, if you're my sparing partner I'll go easy on you =) lol

Cantonese question....what are the names of the 8 basic kicks? From how they sound this is what I have so far....

Chen Tui
Dun Tui
Tam Tui

....and after that my memory fails me (I'm a 5 month newby to Kung Fu)

I'm a little OCD and really want all the names of the basic stances, punches, kicks, and basic exercises. Any help would be really appreciated!

Sorry Egghead to hijack your thread....you can head lock me if you want to....oh wait, you did that last week! lol =)

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