Nice... should be a stick & sparring... that one I'm of a mixed thought on. IMHO only, you're way too new to "spar". I don't mean that in a bad way, but you haven't got your basics yet. That'll take a year or more to "have" them. THEN... you can spar, because your propensity to kickbox will be less & your tendency to use CMA techniques & combos only will be in place. If my sifu, when sparring was going on, saw people starting to kickbox would pull them out & had them start working their basics & combos again. After a while, he'd them back in. If no kickboxing, they continued. If they went back to kickboxing, they went back to basics.
However I think you should get in the ring to see & feel it, from both sides. But too early I think leads to bad habits.