Senior Master
You've questioned the motives of anyone who doesn't think video games are a monolithic influence on the youth culture. (Hey, don't listen to them, they just don't want their video game yanked off the shelf!)sgtmac_46 said:Nice try, but nobodies attacked your character.
Nope. I questioned your claim that there was a mountain of evidence linking violence to media consumption. I pointed out the article that stated "4 studies have found a link, 3 studies have found no link and one study was inconclusive." You responded withNice try. You challenge my numbers, and when they are found to be TRUE, then you try and up the standard to cover up for your error. Typical.
"There is a mountain of evidence. 5000 studies."
5000 studies with no known conclusions isn't evidence in your favor. It's just a number. Completely meaningless.
Fine. You never claimed the studies said anything one way or another on the link between youth violence and media consumption. So... Uh, why again were you making the point at all?Now that i've supported it, you're trying to change the subject.
Why was the study on boxing even wasting time proving that correlation and causation were different things? That's statictics 101 kinda stuff.Correlation and direct causal link are two different things, which is what the study showed. Further, I'll challenge you to support your assertion that ice cream sales have a correlation with increased suicide rates.
As is the ice cream example. The correlation is well known. There is no direct link however. (Both ice cream sales and suicides can be attributed to high temperatures during the summer. The heat's the causal link of both unrelated phenomona.)
You don't even know the results of those studies. As you do not, they cannot be provided as proof of a causal link. (Which is again, how you presented the 5000 number in the first place.)His personal opinions are irrelavent, and do not discredit thousands of studies by merely commenting on them after stating how many have been performed.
Nope. I said only 4 studies had found a direct causal link. You responded with, "5000 studies prove otherwise".Not moot, since your issue was with the number of studies.
Except they don't. Hence your problem.
Lovin' that irony.Now that I have dealt with that issue, you decide to alter the standard.
Yep. I already said as much. There are 4.Further, numerous studies show not only a correlation, but a direct causal link.
If you were merely mentioning the 5000 'cause it was an impressive number, you can't then also present it as evidence towards your argument when you have also claimed that you never said that it was intended to be used as evidence in your argument.It's a typical debate tactic when faced with a mountain of evidence, to simply declare it, in total, moot.
Doesn't matter since you don't know if the sutdies supported your preferred conclusion or not.I've listed several of those studies and their conclusions. I have NOT listed all 5000 studies.
No, I was mainly wondering why you mentioned them, and how they were supposed to prove your point. As it turns out you got the number from a study that makes no mention of the findings of any of those studies (except to say that 2500 of them found no link) I don't thik the 5000 number has any meaning to the argument at all.You were not formerly aware of the number of those studies, as evidenced by your comments earlier.
Yes, but without any information on the conclusions of those studies (LInk, no link, inconclusive etc) you're not offering anything remotely useful. You could have 4,000 studies demonstrating there's no link at all. You don't know one way or another, and your provided source doesn't cast at least half of them in a light that's helpful to your argument. (Since his was the only one that actually found a link.)I presented the 5000 number as evidence of the number of studies conducted on the issue, to show that the APA and AMA aren't making their decisions based on a couple of studies.
Yes, but you have not demonstrated that more than 4 studies have actually demonstrated such a link. That's the problem. You provided proof of one study that successfully claimed a link (then you also went and discredited the source later, so I'm not sure if you think the source was valid or not regardless.) I've provided evidence of the existence of 4 studies that find a direct link, and 3 that find no link. You've provided 1 that claims to have found a link (at last!) which you may ot may not beleive was credible. (Since you refuse to beleive the claim that the 2500 studies found no link, I don't know why you would claim that you trust his perception in that one respect, but in no others.)The APA and AMA (among many other peer groups) have come to the conclusion that clear evidence of a direct causal link exists between media violence and real world violence, and further, they came to that conclusion in the late 1970's.
I may or may not be doing so since you don't know if that 5000 number has any meaning to your argument. I'll worry about the majority of the findings when there's some evidence presented that there was a majority acheived on those findings. Let me know when you get the breakdown on which of those studies found a correlation, which found no correlation, and which failed to arrive at any conclusion at all. Then I'll worry about arguing against the great majority. (Assuming of course, that the media violence causation findings are actually in your favor.)You aren't arguing against me, you are arguing against the vast majority of the behavioral scientific research on the issue.
Wake me when you actually do. Anon rep dings tend to be way more annoying though. Stuff like an unsigned rep ding 30 point rep ding "Take it to email guys". Is that supposed to be a mod warning? Why wouldn't a PM suffice? Why not sign it so it actually means something rather than generate even more of the abhorred ranting? I just don't know. (I make it a personal policy to ignore such missives in the least constructive way since they're so uselessly passive-aggressive. Since I ignore them, or at least actively take the advice the opposite direction, I disabled the function to discourage such nambypambyism.)I dislike dings at all, especially those that purport to have been because I made an unsupportable claim...which I subsequently supported.
"Originally Posted by sgtmac_46I further think you are simply changing the subject again, as even you can't support the idea that you suggested...i.e. that all violence is the same.
If Power Rangers causes kids to kick the air, what do you think video games simulating the murder of police officers and the murder of prostitutes will do for them." A kneejerk glib response yes, but it still accomplished exactly what you claimed you have never done in this thread.
Even though you shrilly make this claim every time someone raises a viewpoint differing from your own?In short, it's not the fact that many people wish to maintain access to violent media at all costs.
Again, let me know when you actually know what the evidence is saying.If that's the decision of the public, fine. I'm libertarian on many issues, and I can see the argument here as well. However, what I take exception to is the intellectual dishonesty to maintain, in the face of mounting evidence, that these media are harmless to children and teenagers. The evidence is clear.
4-3-1 isn't overwhelming evidence. (Since that's the only concrete number I've found on findings in valid studies, I'll continue to use it.)