Iraqi War photos


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Interesting site. Presumably from a soldier who served over there. Again presumably de-classified or just plain his own.
Warning: Some photos are graphic depictions of violence and wounded.
So far two pages. Large pics too. Didn't find any explaination for the photos though... but then pictures can say a thousand words. (or something like that)....
The photo quality is excellent. A few are a bit much, but, that is war, unfortunately.
It is nice to see some of the toys (* Abrahms *) that I helped design and worked on still being used over there. :D

A good piece of equipment.

That's a good site, thanks. Did you see the rest of the site? Some other great photos (mostly of random areas in America). My german's not quite up to reading the rest of the site, but the articles look quite interesting, historical essays and that. Mostly German history, but some other stuff. Also a nice page relating to World population...

Rich Parsons said:
It is nice to see some of the toys (* Abrahms *) that I helped design and worked on still being used over there. :D

A good piece of equipment.
Sorry, blond moment. What's that exactly? One of the weapons I take it. Which one(s)?
The M1 Abrahms is currently the #1 rated Main Battle Tank in the world. I believe the #2 is the German Leopard followed closely by the British Challenger, though my info on ratings is several years out of date and things may have changed based on recent revisions. for info on the M1
Kaith Rustaz said:
The M1 Abrahms is currently the #1 rated Main Battle Tank in the world. I believe the #2 is the German Leopard followed closely by the British Challenger, though my info on ratings is several years out of date and things may have changed based on recent revisions. for info on the M1

Thanks Bob!

Yes the Tanks are all full of real cool stuff. ;)

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