Video/comment review.


Senior Master
I wanted some folks here to review a video of a master of Cuong Nhu performing Wing Chun 3 (what we call Bil Jee), and the comments. The major area is the comments, which is why I posted this here.

KEEP IN MIND! Cuong Nhu includes multiple styles, therefore, we do not do every thing the way it is done in the style it came from. Which means, I am aware that Master E's Bil Jee is techniquely incorrect. That is not the point. The founder of Cuong Nhu did Wing Chun for 12 years. When he created Cuong Nhu he modified the techniques of the style, as well as every other part of the matterial that makes Cuong Nhu. It does not make Cuong Nhu inferior, just differnit.

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Umm.. what, no footwork? But then i don't really know the form or the style, so there you go. I reckon you might get some more informed analysis by posting on the Wing Chun forum, hey... :asian:
Umm.. what, no footwork? But then i don't really know the form or the style, so there you go. I reckon you might get some more informed analysis by posting on the Wing Chun forum, hey... :asian:

Again Qi-Tah, the idea was the comments underneith the video.
This video isn't the best quality. I don't think it shows anything exceptional. The quality of shooting could be pulling that away.
Keep in mind that youtube is not a martial arts forum. It is open to any one in the world to post any tripe that they feel like without moderation. Are you looking for vindication of your style? If so, then you're really in the wrong spot. The only vindication that you should need is from with in yourself. Are you happy with your art? Are you getting out of it what you need/want? I'm just not sure what you're looking for in this conversation. I reviewed the comments below the video and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Quite the opposite given some of the foul language and crazy stuff I've seen on other videos posted there.
Keep in mind that youtube is not a martial arts forum. It is open to any one in the world to post any tripe that they feel like without moderation. Are you looking for vindication of your style? If so, then you're really in the wrong spot. The only vindication that you should need is from with in yourself. Are you happy with your art? Are you getting out of it what you need/want? I'm just not sure what you're looking for in this conversation. I reviewed the comments below the video and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Quite the opposite given some of the foul language and crazy stuff I've seen on other videos posted there.

I am quite happy with Cuong Nhu. I justed wanted to see the oppions of the people here of the comments made on that youtube video.
It is also a little bit of a fore-warning. I intend to find (or make) a series of videos that I think is a good representation of what Cuong Nhu is, and looks like.

By the way, did you notice who was the one defending Cuong Nhu?
Well, obviously I don't have the credentials to comment on what he is doing as far as your style, but!, on the other hand it looks like something that Napoleon Dyanamite would do if he was doing the martial arts.
Well, obviously I don't have the credentials to comment on what he is doing as far as your style, but!, on the other hand it looks like something that Napoleon Dyanamite would do if he was doing the martial arts.

Well, um thanks... just to let you know, O Sensei did Wing Chun for 12 years. He had a pretty good idea of what he was doing when he modified the style to create Cuong Nhu. This is one of those "the surface is not relevent. look deep underneith for the truth" kinds of things. Or were you jokeing?
I am quite happy with Cuong Nhu. I justed wanted to see the oppions of the people here of the comments made on that youtube video.
It is also a little bit of a fore-warning. I intend to find (or make) a series of videos that I think is a good representation of what Cuong Nhu is, and looks like.

By the way, did you notice who was the one defending Cuong Nhu?
I'm glad that you're getting what you wanted from your art. That's what it's all about. As for the comments posted by other's youtube. That's really about all that can be said about that. To address the defense of the art I assume that you were the one defending it. That's as should be if you are happy with what you're doing.

I notice in a couple of your posts that you refer to O Sensei. Are you refering to Ueshiba? If not it's the first time I've heard anyone use that title regarding anyone but the founder of the honbu styles of aikido. It's not his title exclusively just seems to be unique to him.
While "E" is very good martial artist, she is currently only a (4th) yondan. In Cuong Nhu, you do not get the title of "master" till rokudan (6th)
I'm glad that you're getting what you wanted from your art. That's what it's all about. As for the comments posted by other's youtube. That's really about all that can be said about that. To address the defense of the art I assume that you were the one defending it. That's as should be if you are happy with what you're doing.

I notice in a couple of your posts that you refer to O Sensei. Are you refering to Ueshiba? If not it's the first time I've heard anyone use that title regarding anyone but the founder of the honbu styles of aikido. It's not his title exclusively just seems to be unique to him.

No, Cuong Nhu has a very high Japanese infuence (in fact, most of what you learn up to Black Belt is Shotokan, Judo, or Aikido). So, we wear Japanese Gi's, use Japanese terms, and call the founder of our system O'Sensei.

Yep, it was me. I use the same name for here, youtube, wikipedia, and anouther site I hang out at.
While "E" is very good martial artist, she is currently only a (4th) yondan. In Cuong Nhu, you do not get the title of "master" till rokudan (6th)

Really, I thought she was higher in rank? Shows what I know. So, are you going to be a permant resident, or are you just visiting?
I wanted some folks here to review a video of a master of Cuong Nhu performing Wing Chun 3 (what we call Bil Jee), and the comments. The major area is the comments, which is why I posted this here.

KEEP IN MIND! Cuong Nhu includes multiple styles, therefore, we do not do every thing the way it is done in the style it came from. Which means, I am aware that Master E's Bil Jee is techniquely incorrect. That is not the point. The founder of Cuong Nhu did Wing Chun for 12 years. When he created Cuong Nhu he modified the techniques of the style, as well as every other part of the matterial that makes Cuong Nhu. It does not make Cuong Nhu inferior, just differnit.

IMO, I think that comments should be taken with a grain of salt. People are going to comment, even moreso if its something that a) they don't think is effective, b) if its something different than what they do, c) because they have nothing better to do than troll youtube and put other arts down. The list can go on and on. If you're happy, thats all that you should worry about. I wouldn't waste your time trying to justify your art to someone, who chances are, never stepped foot on a mat.

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