User names?

Originally posted by Seig
Well, heck, he should show up over here and let us all beat the heck out of him

You provide the plane ticket and the food and Im there :D
Originally posted by Master of Blades
You provide the plane ticket and the food and Im there :D
The food, I can do.:) The plane fare, sorry, I'm just a poor working class American:(
Originally posted by Seig
The food, I can do.:) The plane fare, sorry, I'm just a poor working class American:(

Hey maybe the Martial Talk members can all put together some money and send me a plane ticket so I can come and get beaten up by you all. For every dollar you get to give me 1/2 a *Boot to the Groin* :rofl:
Originally, my handle was nightingale42, but my email address of the same handle got spammed to death, so I changed it on everything. The 42 was a hitchhiker's guide to the universe reference.

Nightingale is a nickname someone gave me a long time ago. It's partially a reference to a book by Mercedes Lackey (and if you've never read her books, RUN to the bookstore or library and get one), but mostly just because I like to sing, especially sad ballads. You know what they say about us Irish... all our wars are merry and all our songs are sad. I really like singing classical music as well, Handel and Schubert especially, but I hate listening to it. I just like to sing it because its a challenge for me.

the 8472 is another Trek reference... brownie points to someone who knows what it refers to.
Originally posted by nightingale8472
Originally, my handle was nightingale42, but my email address of the same handle got spammed to death, so I changed it on everything. The 42 was a hitchhiker's guide to the universe reference.

Nightingale is a nickname someone gave me a long time ago. It's partially a reference to a book by Mercedes Lackey (and if you've never read her books, RUN to the bookstore or library and get one), but mostly just because I like to sing, especially sad ballads. You know what they say about us Irish... all our wars are merry and all our songs are sad. I really like singing classical music as well, Handel and Schubert especially, but I hate listening to it. I just like to sing it because its a challenge for me.

the 8472 is another Trek reference... brownie points to someone who knows what it refers to.

8472 is an alien specie... :p lol
Because Judo is my first martial art and i am really good at it, Like most things:wink:

Reason i call my self Judo-kid
Its suppost to be like Billy the kid
I definitly act the part.
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Hey maybe the Martial Talk members can all put together some money and send me a plane ticket so I can come and get beaten up by you all.

One can only hope??
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Because Judo is my first martial art and i am really good at it, Like most things:wink:

Reason i call my self Judo-kid
Its suppost to be like Billy the kid
I definitly act the part.

Yeah, Judo the Kid would have seemed a bit silly...
Originally posted by chufeng
Reminds me of a joke where the punchline is:
"...Karate my ***."


Care to share with the rest of my class :shrug: Or THE class even :shrug:
I've heard this one, if its the one I'm thinking of...

A guy has a trained monkey. Whenever the monkey is told to "Karate" something, the monkey pounds it to bits. One day, the monkey is sitting on the guy's shoulder, and he's telling his buddy what the monkey can do. His buddy looks at him and laughs, and says "Karate! My ***!" and the rest is history.
Originally posted by nightingale8472
I've heard this one, if its the one I'm thinking of...

A guy has a trained monkey. Whenever the monkey is told to "Karate" something, the monkey pounds it to bits. One day, the monkey is sitting on the guy's shoulder, and he's telling his buddy what the monkey can do. His buddy looks at him and laughs, and says "Karate! My ***!" and the rest is history.

I heard the same story only it was a killer attack dog ;)

Same idea though. :) :D
I heard another version of the same joke, howeve it was adult in nature and as we have a few minors frequenting this forum, I shall refrain.
Redfive was Luke Skywalkers call sign in Star Wars.

I used to look just like Luke, and had the same hair cut back in the late 70s and early 80s, so my friends called me Redfive.

Hay Nightingale8472. You must be tough. Species 8472 was one of the only species to realy kick the crap out of the Borg. But I'd still put my money on 7of 9.

Originally posted by nightingale8472
Originally, my handle was nightingale42, but my email address of the same handle got spammed to death, so I changed it on everything. The 42 was a hitchhiker's guide to the universe reference.

Nightingale is a nickname someone gave me a long time ago.

the 8472 is another Trek reference... brownie points to someone who knows what it refers to.

Species 8472 were extremely creepy. Much creepier than the Borg, IMHO. :borg:
Originally posted by tunetigress
Species 8472 were extremely creepy. Much creepier than the Borg, IMHO. :borg:

Didn't see the origin of tunetigress on this thread *hint* *hint*
Well the 'tune' part comes from my former profession, music. I have a bunch of High-falutin' education in Music and spent most of my professional career as a Band and Chorus Director. My life used to focus on one tune or other, playing tunes, teaching tunes, performing tunes of all descriptions for most of my waking hours with pretty much everyone that crossed my path. Until I got Chemically Injured in my classroom by being gassed with solvent fumes that is. My lungs are shot now, sorry to say. Along with a great life and career. I'm too sick to work anymore.

The 'tigress' part comes from the great big karate inspired tattoo on my right shoulder of a tigress clawing her way up the side of a dragon. I like my tattoo. I like orange cats. I really like Kenpo Karate. I managed to get a Blue Belt in Tracy's before I got too sick to continue training seriously. When I'm well enough I still practice and will resume training when I'm able. This tiggie's gonna claw her way up onto that dragon eventually!

When I thought up my screen name it had to reflect the two things that most define who I am, Music and the Martial Arts. So tune and tigress were both words that describe some defining characteristic about these two areas that made up my life, and I thought they sounded good together.

Besides, I couldn't think up anything better, so I just used it for everything online, and never bothered to think up another one as tunetigress seems to work so well for all occasions.

Tunetigress 'R' Us and I'm stickin' to it!!! :D

music is something that never really breaks its hold on you... remember, there are many kinds of music that don't involve the lungs.

best wishes!


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