User names?

Blades, you forgot one. I've been calling you "Blades" since you started and by-passed me in rank :P And you told me you liked it :( :confused: :shrug:

Anyways, I stole my screen name from the Karate Kid movies. I have two, actually. I used to be a drummer and went by the name Dizzy (my nickname from my first band) Drummer (because I played drums. I still use it for Yahoo chat sometimes.

Since I quit playing drums, I wanted something that fit my new hobby. I was doing Tang Soo Do at the time. I was watching the first karate kid movie for the 100th time (nothing else on). So I "borrowed" the karatekid part and put TSD on the end of it (I still use that for my AOL instant messeger name). I dropped the TSD and put 1975 (my birth year) instead when I started TKD.
I take my name for a series of sci-fi books... Oddly by chance it focuses a lot on Martial Arts. The Madadora Triligy by Steve Parry.

Oddly, a person I met about a two years ago saw me working on my web page (he was a friend of my room mate) got a glance at the name, and said something interesting. He said that that was his mothers maiden name. He wondered if it was my real last name, and that if my family was from South Africa. After that I have had some curiosity of where the name comes from beyond sci-fi stories.
Well it's kind of obvious- the 666 part comes from maybe too many years of headbanging ;) but also a running joke due to the fact that my birthday falls on Hitler's birthday, the date of the showdown at Waco, and there was something else fairly horrific I've forgotten. Also National Stoners Day. :cool: Anyway, my friends think it's amusing. :shrug:

With friends like these...
Originally posted by khadaji
I take my name for a series of sci-fi books... Oddly by chance it focuses a lot on Martial Arts. The Madadora Triligy by Steve Parry.

Oddly, a person I met about a two years ago saw me working on my web page (he was a friend of my room mate) got a glance at the name, and said something interesting. He said that that was his mothers maiden name. He wondered if it was my real last name, and that if my family was from South Africa. After that I have had some curiosity of where the name comes from beyond sci-fi stories.

I had wondered about that when I saw your name. The Matador Trilogy is one of my favorite sci-fi series ever. However, there are way more than just the trilogy. There's also Omega Cage which ties into the trilogy. The 97th Step which is about Pen's life. The Ablino Knife about Khadaji's daughter. Black Steel about Sleel. Brother Death about Bork.

They are all excellent books.

Also, Steve Perry is a martial artist. He's had a pretty diverse training background but currently trains in Pentjak Silat Serak with Guru Stevan Plinck.

I read a comment Perry made once that was something to the effect of: "When I created 'the 97 steps,' I was creating what I thought was the ideal martial art. When I started training in Serak, I realized I had found the real-life counterpart to the system I had made up."

one of my cats is named Sir thunderfoot Shadowchaser thusly I tried to get shadowchaser as an email but someone eles had it so I took tshadowchaser and that has been my main internet name for a long time
Cthulhu is an otherwordly ancient evil from the mythos created around H.P. Lovecraft's early 1900's horror works. And, like my real first name, it's usually unpronouncable to most ;)

It's usually quite uncommon, so I don't have to worry about stumping my brain for a name.

I chose this name because I like cats, and I'm a girl. I also wanted to show off how I wrote it.


Kat = cat
Gurl = girl

soooooo - KatGurl
I've been using it for 5 or 6 years. My daughter picked it out of an Egyptian Gods/Goddesses means "She Who Scratches". I thought it was appropriate... :p


I practice Yiliquan.

I was the first Yili student on this forum.

It was the same user name I had/have on KFO and E-budo (though on E-budo it is IchiRiKen1, the Japanese pronunciation of the same kanji...)

Sooo, Pakhet - "She who scratches?" You should see someone about that... ;) :D
Angus: My real life nickname since 6th grade. Most people still call me Angus, and I don't even look like a cow anymore! :D
chufeng (pronounced "jew fung") is the phonetic of the characters which translate to "bamboo wind."

My teacher gave me that name when I was studying with him in the early 1980s...

It has many nuances, not the least of which is the idea of yielding.

The wind cannot be seen, but it's effects are obvious...

Bamboo survives because of its flexibility, yet it is very solid, structurally, and makes for a durable building material.

The idea of'i...although, esoteric, is easily manifest in our internal system of YiLiQuan...and the idea of using that energy for healing (as well as hurting) is what drew me to this art in the first place....(this, of course leads to a discourse on TCM, which is beyond the scope of this thread)...

Lastly, the haunting sounds of the Shakuhachi are directly derived from the coming together of the breath with bamboo...I love all music, but am quite fond of Shakuhachi.

That is why I was named...chufeng
Then again, it could simply be that wind escaping from the south end of a north bound panda.


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