User names?

Originally posted by karatekid1975
Blades, you forgot one. I've been calling you "Blades" since you started and by-passed me in rank :P And you told me you liked it :( :confused: :shrug:

Awwwwww Dont go all soppy on me :( I missed out quite a few nicknames.....But if it makes you feel any better "Blades" is my favorite :asian:

Okay now that I'm done lying.......Twat is an insult here as well lol....Dunno its exact meaning tho......:shrug:
I came up with Mon Mon because i did not want to call myself Bon Bon
Master of Blades wrote:

Awwwwww Dont go all soppy on me :( I missed out quite a few nicknames.....But if it makes you feel any better "Blades" is my favorite :asian:

*cough* lier *cough* :p

I would have picked twurp (sp?), which means brat. Good one for Blades :p So there LOL
Originally posted by karatekid1975
Master of Blades wrote:

Awwwwww Dont go all soppy on me :( I missed out quite a few nicknames.....But if it makes you feel any better "Blades" is my favorite :asian:

*cough* lier *cough* :p

I would have picked twurp (sp?), which means brat. Good one for Blades :p So there LOL

Who you calling a brat! Thats age discrimination right here!
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
We have a pretty good idea what it means here in the States... ;)

Yes, but there's a 12yr. old girl running around on here and MOB is much older.:shrug:
Hah, I doubt anyone would ever be able to guess what my name means unless they took the time to learn Scots-Gaelic.

First, a little explanation.

I write a bleeping lot of poetry, and I continue to develop my skills as a writer of both poetry and prose. I've been doing this since my teens and even earlier than that, and I continue to do so in University. I've had some poems published here and there, but I'm still not quite confident enough to publish a volume of my own work... working up to that, though! If I can do MA, I can do anything, I think.

As a Martial Artist, I am committed to a very strict and rather complicated code of honour, incorporating elements of Martial Arts ethos, Platonic and traditional Western philosophical ideals of virtue, Christian ethics, and my own experiences and interpretations of those experiences. A true warrior, I believe, is committed to a code of honour and virtue. And while I am not perfect, and I make as many errors as anyone else, I believe that I at least try to follow the way of the warrior in this regard.

So. by now, you're probably asking "how does this relate to your name, oh long-winded one?"

The answer is simple.

The Scots-Gaelic word for warrior is Cliar, the first half of my user name. The Scots-Gaelic word for poet is the second half of my name, Laoch. Both are rough translations, of course. Being of Scottish descent, I figured the title was appropriate as describing who I am. Not to mention that the founder of the Scottish family line I descend from was nick-named Tailleur Dubhe na Twaighe (Black Tailor of the Axe), I figured Cliar was appropriate. Warrior poets are also typically part of Celtic, Nordic, and Germanic history. They told the tales of the great heroes of their culture's history, and were also called Skalds (bards, basically). I like to think that, in some small way, I'm trying to live up to and carry on that tradition.

Hence, Cliarlaoch.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Yes, but there's a 12yr. old girl running around on here
That's right, and if he keeps using languaghe on here that I would find offensive to someone using in front of my daughter I will Boot him in the Groin right before I rip his ********* off.
and MOB is much older.:shrug:
I don't think so, he says he's 15, which means mentally, they are about the same age.
Originally posted by Seig
That's right, and if he keeps using languaghe on here that I would find offensive to someone using in front of my daughter I will Boot him in the Groin right before I rip his ********* off.
I don't think so, he says he's 15, which means mentally, they are about the same age.

:shrug:........How can she be twelve.....Her favorite weapons are knives!!!!!! :eek:
To me knives are something you deal with everyday or at least some kind of edged object. People eat with knives ,cut with scissors and some times break the occasional glass. If you have an understanding and respect for cutting and what being cut intales I think a person is better off.

In my Kenpo training edged weapon traing always came later, but yet edged objets are all around you. The average instructor will try to snow you by telling you, that type of training must come later. I feel that some instructors confuse a white belt in the arts as the same as a white belt in life.

I'm willing to bet that most carpenter, carpet layers and electritons can handle a knife better than most martial arts insructors. Farmiliararity is the key, some professions deal with edged objects on a daily bassis, most martial arts instructors think there belt or the little stripes gives them the same experience IMO it does not.

I feel my daughter has less of a chance of getting hurt by edged weapons by an early introduction than a latter one. This might seem a little off track but, if you have a gun in the house and you teach you child to under stand and respect the weapon for the good and harm it can inflict. I think you would have less accidents in comparison to a child who only knows what tv has tought them when thet come across a fire arm.

Plus in systema they teach edged weapons right away so kayla is around them quite a bit. When she starts dating it's not a bad thing to know ya know.

Respectfully Dan Brady.
Originally posted by D_Brady

Plus in systema they teach edged weapons right away so kayla is around them quite a bit. When she starts dating it's not a bad thing to know ya know.

Respectfully Dan Brady.

:rofl: I used to think that was what my dad thought......Then I realised that he was getting bored of his normal class and needed some new Meat to kick the crap out of :D
Originally posted by Master of Blades
he was getting bored of his normal class and needed some new Meat to kick the crap out of :D

Very interesting, so you just oblige by showing up to get beat up. You're picking up the fighting spirit.:rolleyes:

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