US warns Ottawa of pending WikiLeaks release

Don't call me a liar again.
I was not referring to the war. I did say and have said that the CIA has alot of internal problems and does cause alot of trouble, so what is the issue there? Why don't you bring up the other countrys who have their own style CIA. Do they not do the same thing as our CIA. Do they not cause down the road issues like our clowns do? Does not your own country have it's own CIA type branch? And they do what?
The oil spill, ok, who was left in charge?, well it really wasn't the US government, it was left to the oil industry to clean it up. I personally didn't hear about to many offers and if there were then that was my error.
One thing that you have over looked and that was the time from that my post was covering. This time frame was from the 50's untill now.
Your post is just showing how much you resent the USA.

Actually CSIS is not allowed to operate outside of Canada.
The Canadian coast guard sent down all the oil booms we had.
While I disagree with the terminology, I agree with the main point. The world does help the USA when it asks for help. What I believe you fail to realize is that US damn near has everything it needs equipment and people wise.
But we are there when the USA needs help.
i was trying to stay out of this but i’m so ****ing tired of this holier then now attitude that has been in this country ever since trudeau in regards to the us. Every nation-state thinks it is superior to ever other one. Problem is they don’t build themselves up with their own accomplishments; they knock others down based on some bad choices the other guy made. It scores massive political points everywhere in the world to be seen thumping your chest and bad talking the us, or any other country that is pissing you off at that moment. Hell they do the same thing in the states to they bad mouth us to score political points.

introduction to international relations, second year university, countries look after their self interest first.

fyi, we're no better then anyone else.

Don't call me a liar again.

Then don't say things like
Every time the USA gets into trouble or has a disaster the rest of the world just sits back and offers little to nothing or just laughs
Because that is not true.

I don't resent the USA at all. If I did, I wouldn't have gone through the effort of marrying my wife in California at Lake Tahoe, nor would we have taken the 3 week road trip as a honeymoon.

What I do resent is quotes like yours.
Point is / was while traveling I have heard first hand all of the anti American b.s. around the world. Even on this this servers postings there is a level of resentment against my country and I resent that.
You didn't like my comments about your country but we Americans are supposed to put up with your countrymans direct or in direct bashing of ours? My opinon is just that, my opinon.
As for being a forum mentor you are supposted to be setting an example and calling someone a liar is not it.
You and Scott T should have your bios filled out better so that everyone knows who they are really talking to. Mine is.
I just never got around to it, but if you insist on such an irrelevancy:

Full name: Scott Christopher Torwalt

Location: Love, Sask, Canada

Occupation: Industrial Construction


Anything more than that is on my Facebook page, so I don't see the point of posting it here.
sometimes maybe i do wish polygamy was legal.

That way I could marry both Scott T and Bruno at the same time :uhyeah: :p

seeing as how I agree with everything they both say in this thread.
It's not just Canada that has been warned about the Wikileaks, the UK, Israel, and quite a few others countries have been told by Amercian ambassadors that there will be stuff in the leaks they won't like.

Many Britons and Europeans have offered and sent help for Americans when they needed it, Katrina, 9/11 etc. I know many who fundraised for both and many firemen, etc who went to help in New York after 9/11. The oil spill people were offered help from our government but were told it wasn't needed. Despite it being called BP, it is a private company not governement owned and is in fact mostly American now rather than British. We followed you into Korea, Iraq twice and now Afghanistan. I can't think of a single situation where we have sat back and laughed at any situation the US has had, to be honest I haven't seen any other place where they laugh at America either. There are countries that hate America and everything American but these are places that also hate the rest of the world also.

Other countries do have more interest in America than other places mainly because as the saying goes, 'America sneezes and the rest of us catch a cold', what you do and who your president is affects us so you can't expect anythoing other than interest from us and yes sometimes criticism such as that mess up in the sub prime mortgage market that has affects many of us for a lot of reasons but started in America.
Blade, their egos are big enough you know. ;)


btw everyone felt sorry for america after 9/11. We had a first anniversary gathering in 2002 and 2 min silence outside the uni Thousands gathered. and one in 2001. We Newfoundlanders did much for those stranded in Gander here in the aftermath. I even volunteered to help then. Everyone who could did something.......

Then america invaded Iraq.
We followed you into Korea, Iraq twice and now Afghanistan.

Don't forget Bosnia, Kosovo and Somalia part II. I don't think you were involved in Somalia part I, Haiti I or II, or the Second Liberian Civil War.

Now back to the pending WikiLeaks release:

What if the WikiLeaks release is documents of how Bush was manipulated by the various other listed governments in to believing that Iraq had developed WMDs?
sometimes maybe i do wish polygamy was legal.

That way I could marry both Scott T and Bruno at the same time :uhyeah: :p

seeing as how I agree with everything they both say in this thread.
Careful what you wish for, young lady. ;) :lol:
Wikileaks is reportedly under a massive denial of services attack at the moment.

Of course, the last round of "it'll kill puppies" panic was proven to be a farse, even the US DoD said so.

Wonder who's DOSing em.
While the US is the most capable (and obvious) culprit, that doesn't rule out other nations, such as the UK, israel or others who don't want their backroom deals open to public scrutiny.

Or it could even be an attention-grabbing move by Assange himself.

Unless someone comes forward, it's impossible to say.
I organized a fundraiser in my forum, and sent 5 kilos of high end Belgian chocolates and candy each to a UN platoon in Iraq and a US platoon in Afghanistan. All because I hate the Americans of course. Probably. Or something like that?
DOS... No doubt the US various agencies have the oomph to pull that off, and they have a decent motive. But anyone knows that DOS is only a temporary lution, and only works until the wikileaks folk take take a couple of USB keys and leave them in an internet cafe, or upload it to an anonymous torrent.
If it is the US, then I guess it is either an act of desparation, or they need to win 1 or 2 days time before they pounce in some definitive way.

I just read about this in the news. Apparently a lot of it contains denigrating and insulting remarks about US 'allies'.
Seems like a case of people having forgotten not to write anything down in communications if they couldn't deal with it falling in the wrong hands.
Talking down about other countries and people in general communications is a bad idea.
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