US Department of Education: Provide sports equality

A personal attack? amusing.

The thing is you don't know me well enough to either predict what I will write about nor do you know how to take what I write. My advice is for you to put me on ignore then whatever I write won't upset you and you won't get a slapped wrist for making a personal attack LOL. Please note the 'LOL' as it correctly denotes my amusement.
A personal attack? amusing.

The thing is you don't know me well enough to either predict what I will write about nor do you know how to take what I write. My advice is for you to put me on ignore then whatever I write won't upset you and you won't get a slapped wrist for making a personal attack LOL. Please note the 'LOL' as it correctly denotes my amusement.

What does this have to do with the thread? Why not take a break and come back when you're less "ammused"

I'm curious if anyone has watched the clip? What are your thoughts?

A major point made in the clip was that the vast majority of funding already provided is wasted. One of the schools featured uses less funding than others in the same state but they still find ways to include PE (even if it's just running around the block).

A graph presented around 9:00 shows how spending has increased with no impact at all on student's scores. So I'd say, the funding is already there and these programs shouldn't have to suffer.

You can give public schools all the money in American and it won't be enough. Everyone has been conned. ~ Ben Chavis

Chavis(sp?) is a former public school principle who now runs an alternative school that spends thousands of dollers less per student. See clip around 10:06

So where's the money going? Why isn't there more than enough funds for these programs already?
Could you kids behave before I send someone for the belt? The topic, please to be to returning, yes?


Suspender belt? oooh you are awful........but I like you :ultracool
In case it was somehow unclear, despite the rather clear message from one Bob Hubbard AKA the guy who owns the place:


Please keep the conversation polite and respectful. Please return to the original topic. The next disruption will be awarded an infraction.

Asst. Administrator

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