Universal Concepts

10,000 Hit Combo

Yellow Belt
May 8, 2007
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I was wondering if anyone would care to share your opinions about concepts and techniques you find in every art. In case this is confusing here's a few of my theories:
1. How to fall
2. How to make a fist
3. How to breath
4. Self Defense THEORY

anything'll do fellas.
The most universal of all Martial Arts concepts would probably be the conpects themselves. Every Martial Art is based around certian concepts priciples, and philosophies. The physical material is taught simply to better ingrain these concepts, and show you just how you could apply them.
Get it?
on the how to breath, I prefer in, then out. Once I tried breathing out, then out again, and again and...then....I forget what happened, but I woke up on the floor. Just teasing. Seriously though, breathing in through the nose, sinking it to the center, holding it for a short time, then breathing out through the mouth.
To paraphrase one Mr. Miyagi, don't be where punch lands.


I was wondering if anyone would care to share your opinions about concepts and techniques you find in every art. In case this is confusing here's a few of my theories:
1. How to fall
2. How to make a fist
3. How to breath
4. Self Defense THEORY

anything'll do fellas.

1. How to fall - different arts do it differently
2. How to make a fist - different arts do it differently
3. How to breath - different arts do it VERY differently
4. Self Defense THEORY - different arts do it EXTREMELY differently
1. How to fall - different arts do it differently
however, there are a limited number of ways to do it w/out injuring yourself.
2. How to make a fist - different arts do it differently
Again, limited number of options here. The fist can only move in a limited number of ways. I doubt many arts are using the lethal pinky only strike these days :)
3. How to breath - different arts do it VERY differently
Again, the body is limited. An arm can only move in so many ways, so I'm not suprised to see many similarities between arts. Philosophies change, the transition between different body states change, but the fundamentals are there in just about every art. You get some extremes, but they are still limited by body dynamics and out limited number of limb/body motions.

To me, thats part of the interesting part of analyzing different styles. How do they answer the same fundamental questions? How do they work w/in the limitations of the human body? I get as much pleasure watching Capeoira (sp) as I do Muay Thai... They look different, but still working with the same tools :)