Mostly Harmless
Those are job creators you're talking about!Oh, but it's a business. The whole purpose behind business is to turn a profit.
Let's all just conveniently forget about the fact that businesses provide a little thing called infrastructure. If a company is weak - AND THE ONLY REASON IT'S WEAK IS THAT THE CEOS AND EXECUTIVES ARE FILTHY EFFING RICH - this gives a great reason to war with unions because, Gawd forbid, we create and foster an economic system where we pay people enough to buy the products we make.
Did we forget about that? That if we don't have enough money to buy the products we make ... we have to buy products OTHER countries make. And when we can't sell US made products to other countries ... where does that put us domestically AND globally?
This is not republican nor democrat - this is abject greed and unchecked executive practices. So what do you do about this kind of thing?
So the choices, as things stand now,seem to be either to cow-tow and swallow crap-*** wages and keep getting butt-raped by the wealthy for the sake of less money, less or no insurance, less security OR shut down companies like this and lose what money you can get. This doesn't affect those who own and those who sell because they will sell ... or buy ... and start up again and then the next step begins.
Question is what will the next step be?
There are - apparently - countless people who WILL gladly take crap pay for crap jobs with no benefits. But for how long? And where exactly will THAT go? Will that last long without unions? Perhaps if those who will take crap pay for crap jobs are - by some people's accounts not native to the US would have protection of law and hide union in "minority" and "prejudice."
I think we're looking at a revolution. If we're not, then we're most assuredly in very, very serious trouble.