uniform weight

Pearl weave, slimmer cut so sleeve and leg grips are harder to get.

When I started training, BJJ gis were pretty heavy, but in recent years they've come up with some pretty nice, durable weaves that are much lighter. Also, many manufacturers are using ripstop fabric in the pants. I've had a pair for about a year now and it's holding up very well so far.
i love my sheraido (sp?) gi, now down at the dojo so can not check the spelling. lol.
its a super heavy weight called the "instructor weight" as i remember. pops great. 100 percent cotton. and well tough as nails. my old instructor has had his for 10 years of hard training.. he is starting to get to where he needs a new one. mine is 3 years old and looks like new.

stuff looks nice, no prices on the site tho

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