I wonder how most of us are dressed when practicing Modern Arnis. Does your school have a uniform? If so, how much is "uniformity" enforced? I know MODERN Arnis is much less traditional than many arts, especially Japanese arts like Aikido. In most Aikido classes, including the one I'm in, all students must wear white (and only white, with maybe a small shoulder patch) dogi with hakama based on rank. And they wear this every time they step on the mat, no matter how "informal" the training session. No aikido in a t-shirt and shorts!
The school where I practice Arnis uses black martial arts pants with the red stripes down the leg, and a t-shirt (encouraged to be black). Some of us have the short black-with-red-stripes top to go along with the pants, though this is optional, and not always worn. Belts are usually worn in class.
I assume this would put the place I go about mid-way in terms of uniform strictness between those who train in street-clothes or workout clothes and those who have a uniform that must be worn by everyone all the time.
We've seen pictures from the 70's of Modern Arnisadors wearing red pants with a white t-shirt. Now the red-striped black pants seem much more common. From pictures I've seen recently of Arnisadors in the Philipines, many wear the inverse- a red pants and jacket with black stripes.
Also, I was wondering about the origin of this "uniform". Does anyone have any idea if the "karate" pants and short jacket with shorter sleeves is traditionally Filipino?
I'm assuming that the uniform was adopted after Japanese dogi to give the impression of a "legitimate" martial art while still maintaining a distinctively Filipino flavor.
The school where I practice Arnis uses black martial arts pants with the red stripes down the leg, and a t-shirt (encouraged to be black). Some of us have the short black-with-red-stripes top to go along with the pants, though this is optional, and not always worn. Belts are usually worn in class.
I assume this would put the place I go about mid-way in terms of uniform strictness between those who train in street-clothes or workout clothes and those who have a uniform that must be worn by everyone all the time.
We've seen pictures from the 70's of Modern Arnisadors wearing red pants with a white t-shirt. Now the red-striped black pants seem much more common. From pictures I've seen recently of Arnisadors in the Philipines, many wear the inverse- a red pants and jacket with black stripes.
Also, I was wondering about the origin of this "uniform". Does anyone have any idea if the "karate" pants and short jacket with shorter sleeves is traditionally Filipino?
I'm assuming that the uniform was adopted after Japanese dogi to give the impression of a "legitimate" martial art while still maintaining a distinctively Filipino flavor.