Under appreciated wrestlers

Dean Malenko. One of the best technical wrestlers of all time. Definately never obtained the recognition he deserved.

I agree that Malenko was an awesome technical wrestler. Too bad that he didn't try MMA rather than pro wrestling. His downfall was he didn't have the charisma on the microphone.

To put things into perspective, as Gorilla Monsoon once said of Hulk Hogan, "the Hulkster doesn't know a wristlock from a wristwatch, but he sells tickets".

I always thought Magnum TA would be a MegaStar, but it just never happened.
Crushing one's spine by wrecking one's porche will have that affect...

...one of many of Wrestling's tragic stories.

I always wondered what happened to him. He was getting to be as big as Dusty Rhodes (the American Dream) and he just completely fell out of the wrestling scene - now I know why. Thanks !!