Kickboxers get beaten down by Pro Wrestlers

Like everyone else has already stated, going up against someone twice your size, who is used to soaking up punishment, is probably not a good idea.

WWE type wrestling may be fake, but they are strong, well trained athletes who get paid to throw other strong well trained athletes around, and in that kind of situation there is no referee around to stop the bout, and they probably don't need any motivation to let off all of their steroid induced steam...
Like everyone else has already stated, going up against someone twice your size, who is used to soaking up punishment, is probably not a good idea.

Getting drunk and picking a fight with *anyone* is probably not a good idea.
I guess "fake" is all a matter of opinion. I am not sure exactly how you "fake" jumping off a 15 foot tall ladder onto a ring that doesn't look to be what I would consider soft, or onto a table. Sure the matches are fixed, so they know who will win beforehand, but they are still monsters amoung men, and a lot of the stuff they do in the matches is thought up on the fly. Its not like every move for the fifteen minute match is laid out in a script. They are also in just as good or better shape than most any other atheletes in the world. Now throw in the roid rage factor, and think about how sick they must get of people saying that what they do is "fake".

Doing anything to provoke people like that, being a martial artist or not, is akin to suicide IMO.

Anybody that tells you size doesn't matter is either selling something or lieing to themselvs and/or you.
ginshun said:
I guess "fake" is all a matter of opinion. I am not sure exactly how you "fake" jumping off a 15 foot tall ladder onto a ring that doesn't look to be what I would consider soft, or onto a table. Sure the matches are fixed, so they know who will win beforehand, but they are still monsters amoung men, and a lot of the stuff they do in the matches is thought up on the fly. Its not like every move for the fifteen minute match is laid out in a script.

It is fake in the sense the the wrestlers are pulling their punches, and deliberately modifying throws and holds etc so that they don't to any appreciable damage to the other wrestler. (Not that there's any entertainment value in seeing someone eat a tombstone pile driver done with intent to damage of course.) I don't think that takes away from how physically grueling performing week in and week out is, but that does give plenty of basis for the claim that it's fake.
Fake refers to fixed choreographed fights. The are clearly skilled performers. And despite what your girlfriend may tell you, size counts.

Jeff :ultracool
Marginal said:
It is fake in the sense the the wrestlers are pulling their punches, and deliberately modifying throws and holds etc so that they don't to any appreciable damage to the other wrestler. (Not that there's any entertainment value in seeing someone eat a tombstone pile driver done with intent to damage of course.) I don't think that takes away from how physically grueling performing week in and week out is, but that does give plenty of basis for the claim that it's fake.

Agreed. "Fake" just has such a negative connotation to most people, and I am sure that the wrestlers have to hate it when people say what they do is fake. The fight outcomes and punches in general might be fake, but I am sure that the bruises, the falls, and the occasional accidental punch/kick to the melon are very real. Not to mention the muscles. Some of those guys are just plain freakishly huge.
You gotta respect nature... whoever you are or however it was altered...

Plus Batista is a former MMA-er... size or not, he's capable of a nice throwdown session...

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