How would you fight a sumo wrestler

I'm going to generalize for fighting a bigger, stronger opponent. My favorite tactic is going for small, soft vital points. Eyes, temples, upper groin, nose, etc. I'm like precision hits and I practice them a lot, so those work for me.
BTW, I don't know why anyone would be worried about fighting a sumo wrestler. You're unlikely to meet one in a dark alley and they almost always lose in MMA matches, regardless of their opponents size.
takadadojokeith said:
BTW, I don't know why anyone would be worried about fighting a sumo wrestler. You're unlikely to meet one in a dark alley and they almost always lose in MMA matches, regardless of their opponents size.
It's an interesting mental challenge is all.

Personally, my plan would be to run like a girl. Sumos are good at lunging, so I don't want to stand infront of him and try to land blows on him. He's one hell of a big bloke with good grappling experience, so I don't want to go to the ground with him either.

I guess I'd try and get him to fall over by getting off centre, and then try and keep him down.
Being only 185 myself, throat and groin come to mind. :p

Although, this past weekend I had to freefight a man who was 300+ and of course those targets are not really fair to hit in class - needless to say I had my work cut out for me. Waddn't easy and we both went to the ground. I found I could move faster then he could there, and the large guys get tired quicker than the smaller :D
MMAfighter said:
Ok lets say you're fighting a sumo wrestler who's bigger, taller, heavier, and stronger then you, how would you fight him?
Sumo wedgie!?!?!?
I've never fought a real sumo wrestler but I've fought someone dressed in a sumo suit before! They're great fun and you're so padded you can't get hurt.
And after the sumo tournament that we had, i got some of the people i train with to throw some flying kicks at me which although they knocked me down didn't really hurt too much either.
Definitely recommended anyway for a laugh
Well i've just found a website that says the average sumo wrestler nowadays is 412lb which is approx 29 stone and 6 foot 2 tall. So maybe not 600, but still pretty big! I think sumos train for fitness and strength, they're not just big and fat and they wrestle all the time with other similar size men so they'd be very hard to get off their feet.

If you could wait for his charge and sidestep then run like #### round to his back then you might have a small chance! But i think head on you'd be destroyed. there's a fair bit of padding so a direct hit to body would need to penetrate as deep as nacho vidal to cause any damage. Maybe try get round him then go for his eyes to start proceedings off. Then if he does go down at any point some good knees to the temple would hopefully finish him off. But I think you'd have to be pretty damn confident to take on a 30 stone bloke.
swiftpete said:
Well i've just found a website that says the average sumo wrestler nowadays is 412lb which is approx 29 stone and 6 foot 2 tall. So maybe not 600, but still pretty big!

Hmmm, No Wonder the Sumo "juniors" looked at me in Japan. ;)

6'3" 280+ I only need to gain 130 pounds to be average. :D

PS: I would fight any sumo by offering to buy them a drink.

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