Right, again I think behavior can be modified without these behaviors being a tax on your system because its simply the way you behave out of habbit.distalero said:Not to leap on your statements, but just to clarify: can one be perfectly, "zennily" aware at all times? I don't know. Is awareness hoped for in the toilet? Absolutely. In the Zen monastaries I've been in there is always a small figure of the Buddha above the toilet, partly to remind anyone interested that all activities can be "attended" to. Should we distinguish clinically significant hypervigilance from other forms of being aware? Yep. Having said that, though, anyone who has been in a traumatic experience has no choice but to "scan" situations. It's one of the things you have to work on to decrease. It doesn't go away completely, nor should it necessarily. Does it run your nervous system into the ground? Not if you work on it. Can you there, in the safety of your home, approximate this kind awareness? Hopefully not in the way some of us did, but yes, I think you can and should. Part of being a competent human being.