So I'm just starting out. I'm not really that good at pivoting on the heels at same time when I punch. Is there any advice to offer to improving on turning heels? Thanks.
Everyone will give you different answers because various lineages have different engines for their footwork.
Personally, I wouldn't recommend turning on your heels at all (or your toes, for that matter), and only more one foot at a time.
By only moving one foot at a time, you are always solidly rooted to the ground and it's much hard to break your structure.
If you shift on your heels, especially both feet at the same time, then I can plow into you while you're in motion and you will have no choice but to either attempt to recover and step back or fall. If you move on your toes and I Laap, down you go...
I shift on the center/ball of my foot. If pressure is applied, I can root my heel, and if I'm pulled, I can root my toes. And since only one foot is in motion, the rest of my structure is solidly rooted on the stationary foot.
Also, the way I move can be done in any shoes on any surface, not just in slippers on a fresh buffed floor.
Not saying any other way is "wrong", just some food for thought about how I do it and why.