TSA Detains Woman Over "Attitude"

It helps immensely to stop and think about just what the job of the TSA is. The TSA was created as a way for the politicians in power to have something tangible to point to in order to make people feel better about air travel after 9/11. They are not going to catch anything like determined terrorists, but terrorists will never get another opportunity to do something like they did on 9/11 anyway. Some of the folks within the system think they are actually doing something, and so 'innovations' continue to be rolled out. However, most people that fly frequently understand the purpose of the TSA, and never really have any issues with them. I've never had any real problems with them, even when I forgot to do something I was supposed to and had to have my stuff hand searched, or the time I brought a 17 pound chunk of petrified wood in my carry-on. :)

The TSA agents aren't very smart, aren't paid very much, and have a useless job where they are frequently abused. It doesn't surprise me in the least when someone is too stupid to take that into account, and gets harrassed for making their job that much more difficult. Makes me think of the Dixie Chicks from a few years back when they were on top of the country music charts. They publicly put down the president when they were touring in England, and then got upset when their fans, country music fans tend to be rabidly patriotic, burned their CDs and refused to listen to them anymore. There are always consequences for our actions, and it's best to figure out before-hand what those consequences might be.

Yet on the other hand, one would assume (yes, I know its not good to assume :)) that the TSA would/should be a step above your typical shopping mall security guard. I mean, I say this, because if trying to reduce the risk of someone doing something stupid on the plane, ie: bring on a bomb, weapon, etc, is that important, you'd figure the people (The TSA) would be a bit more trained than they are currently, paid better, etc.
If the government wanted to actually fix the TSA, it's surprisingly easy.

1- Train them. Consistently.
2- Screen them. No more sex offenders in the ranks.
3- Educate them on policy, and hold them to consistency. McDonalds can make the same burger the same way in 40+ nations. "Dont hit people in the balls" isn't that hard.
4- Pay them appropriately, and give them reasonable shifts. The biggest complaints -from- the TSA are how badly they are treated by their own agency.
5- Get rid of the stupid rules like 8oz bad, but 2 4oz good.

Adopt some of the Israeli methods to help prescreen before they get to the screening zone. Note I said some, the ones that can scale up. Use the non-scalable ones randomly when possible.

Stop wasting money on theater, and give us real security.

Yes! Agreed with everything here! Regarding the underlined part...I'd be interested in knowing how much terror activity, how many, if any at all, people try to do stupid things, ie: bring "no-no list items" on the plane via carry on, etc, in coutries such as Israel.
I mean, I say this, because if trying to reduce the risk of someone doing something stupid on the plane, ie: bring on a bomb, weapon, etc, is that important, you'd figure the people (The TSA) would be a bit more trained than they are currently, paid better, etc.
But that's just it. Trying to keep people from bringing on a bomb, weapon, etc ... is not what is important. Having something that the politicians can point at to convince Joe average citizen that they're doing something is what's important. The fact that it isn't actually doing much of anything is irrelevant.
It is extremely important in today's society to make sure and remember that facts are irrelevant, and appearance is all important. It's how things appear to the average citizen that gets leaders re-elected and keeps them in power. Facts just get in the way, so they are avoided if at all possible. If you fail to remember this important bit, then you'll make yourself crazy asking "well why don't they just ..."
But that's just it. Trying to keep people from bringing on a bomb, weapon, etc ... is not what is important. Having something that the politicians can point at to convince Joe average citizen that they're doing something is what's important. The fact that it isn't actually doing much of anything is irrelevant.
It is extremely important in today's society to make sure and remember that facts are irrelevant, and appearance is all important. It's how things appear to the average citizen that gets leaders re-elected and keeps them in power. Facts just get in the way, so they are avoided if at all possible. If you fail to remember this important bit, then you'll make yourself crazy asking "well why don't they just ..."

Doing something effective would be more difficult and more expensive. But it's important to be able to say "Look, we did something, don't you feel safe?"
In State of Fear Michael Crichton makes the point that it's easier to control a people who are frightened. There must ALWAYS be an Evil Empire of some sort lurking in the wings. The Soviet Union served this purpose. So does Global Warming. So does the TSA.

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