Latest TSA News 7/18/11

Our REAL Law Enforcement folks might 'like' this one.

TSA supervisor arrested for impersonating a police officer to get out of traffic ticket
March 7, 2011 //
Despite the blue uniforms, TSA screeners are not law enforcement officers. (The blue uniforms with the shield patches were added to give the screeners credibility.) They do not carry weapons and cannot make arrests.
Or claim to be law enforcement officers. Michael Mazzone was arrested for pretending to be a sworn law enforcement officer.
Goto Google.
Search for TSA
modify your search to Past Hour.
It's still a crap load of results.
My local PD doesn't get that many hits in a year.
Personally, I would not fly in a plane where the passengers were not screened. Complain all you want, but the alternative is more deadly.
Personally, I would not fly in a plane where the passengers were not screened. Complain all you want, but the alternative is more deadly.

I don't know what to say to you.

I fear that you are not only not seeing the point about the overturning of the civil liberties your country is supposed to be founded upon but you are also not cognisant of just how useless all this public humiliation and invasion of privacy is when it comes to reducing true risk.
By the way, just to elaborate, I am not against the use of security mechanisms in those areas where they are both necessary and effective.

I served on the jury of a case where the risks were so high profile that we had armed Police at the court. Every day I had to pass through metal detectors and get searched (tho' not as invasively as it reported that the TSA do), even when the court staff knew me well enough to address me by my first name. That made perfect sense to me and had a visible positive deterrent effect of keeping the bad guys (or bad devices) out of the court room.

Were my civil liberties impaired? Yes they were, especially as I had no choice in the matter as I was on the jury and could not refuse to perform my duty without being in contempt of court. But in that case and in those circumstances it was justified and effective - unless the bad guys were willing to drive a car load of explosives up to the court rooms outside wall and kill everyone, defendants included.
No one is calling for the end of screening.
We're calling for the end of the joke that is the Security Theater.

Unless you believe that molesting 6 yr olds and gropping old mens balls is real security?
5 planes in -20- years, 5 flights out of tens of thousands of flights, and 20? passengers out of millions.

Compare that to the thousands of items -missed- by the TSA, the radiation issues, the molestation issues, the harassment issues.

Anyone who thinks we're safer today than we were on 9/10/01 is fooling themselves.
Bob et al,

I have no sympathy for anyone right now.

1) For years I complained about being treated like a criminal.
2) For years I complained about being always randomly selected.
3) For years I complained about being delayed, detained, held, etcetera
4) For years I was always treated like , like , like a peice of meat and with no respect.

And yes this was prior to 9/11/2001 as well.

Now, today, if I get inspected it is less than it was before. I do noe get the multiple agents yelling at me at once, and asking questions and all demanding I look at them and only them and answer them first. While I have travelled recently I was not patted down, nor did I go through a big machine, just the normal metal detector. I stopped, waited, proceeded when told to do so, then asked if I was clear to leave and then asked if it was ok to get my check on and contents of my pockets.

Now everyone gets more inspections.

Now everyone gets treated like crap.

I used to hear, it is ok Rich it is just you, or some variant of that comment.

But now that it is them everyone else is now upset. Things actually got better for me when it got worse for everyone else.

While I do not agree with the rights they have infringed upon or taken away, I find it hard to care about all the public that said or did nothing when it was happening to a few people. Now it is happening to more people and affecting them (* those who are now complaining *) I am supposed to care for their feelings? Sorry but no.
Rash of TSA thefts at New York airports -
25 minutes ago - A TSA screener is suspected of teaming up with a baggage handler at Kennedy Airport to loot the luggage of at least one flier in the latest in a rash of ...

TSA stands for 'Thieves Steal at Airports' - They were allegedly ...
9 minutes ago - They were allegedly thick as thieves. A TSA screener is suspected of teaming up with a baggage handler at Kennedy Airport to loot the luggage of at...

New York (NY) Daily News - More Headlines
India protests against sari-clad envoy's TSA patdown
Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:21 PM EDT

Lansing (MI) State Journal - More Headlines
TSA again bursts urostomy bag [/TD]
Sun Jul 24, 2011 08:16 AM EDT

Orlando (FL) Sentinel - Lake County - More Headlines
South Florida TSA agent charged in theft of $450 pen
Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:10 PM EDT

TSA to implement new program taught to them by "an international security consultant". They had 20 hours of training. I'm sure there will be no problems at all.

That's suspiciously like what is being done at Ben Gurion.

Difference of course is training. And the procedure at Ben Gurion does not slow down the process. They take advantage of existing lines. They'll pull you out while you're already waiting for something else, like check in, luggage drop off, etc.