TSA Detains Woman Over "Attitude"

You can scale the Israeli system with personnel. What you will have a hard time with is having enough trained personnel. Amd you will never duplicate the Israeli mindset. Remember that everyone working airport security is military trained. And that they know the threat they face is real and is a threat to their very existence. Some of their techniques are very good. They don't just question the people fitting the profile. It is not ubusual for them to pull grandma out of the line, so that hidden observers can analyse the response of the people around her.

The most important part of their model is that security is all encompassing in the airport. Not just at a chokepoint. You are being observed and questioned while waitng to check in, at passport control, and observed after you have entered the sterile zone.

It's great, but would cost a fortune.

well, they don't hire clowns either... or mall cops, or wannabe mall cops...
Never had a problem with TSA. I knew the checks I would be going through and made sure my pants were snug and wouldn't need a belt to hassle with and wore shoes that could be easily slipped off. Made sure everything was in my backpack instead of my pants pockets before getting up there.

quick, easy and painless.

Does it justify a bad attitude? Nope, but if more people took some responsibility and knew what was required of THEM before flying it would make everyone's life easier.
Interesting...last time I few, which was about 2yrs ago, I saw people trying to pass thru the TSA checkpoint with plastic water/soda bottles, and the TSA folks made them toss it in the trash. I saw no testing. The only thing they busted my *** on, which IMO, was ****ing stupid anyways, was the fact that I forgot about the smaller bags for the liquids and had everything in 1 large bag. Made my wife go back out, get smaller bags, come back thru, be rescreened, and put the stuff in 2 smaller bags, yet it was all going into the same carry on.

As for this case....well, the public can be unprofessional, as well as the TSA. Unfortunately, when you're in the line of work, where you're dealing with the public, you need to a) do your best to remain professional, despite the rude 'citizens' that you deal with, as well as b) have a thick skin. I deal, as I'm sure many others on here do, with a wide variety of people every day. LOL! Was this woman an ***? Yup. I'm not familiar with the policies the TSA uses, when dealing with people like this, but IMO, from what I read, and saw on the poor quality video, the situation was out of hand.
The TSA policy when dealing with a non-compliant is to ratchet up the retaliation until they achieve satisfaction.
This can and will include being delayed to the point that you miss your flight, public humiliation, being subjected to aggressive screening which can result in bruised testicles and violation of vagina or anus, as well as gang tactics where multiple screeners surround you and amplify the tactics

There are -thousands- of complaints, hundreds with video and audio evidence to support the above statement.

When faced with the risk of mass opposition, the TSA caves. When a National Opt-Out day was called, rather than do the hundreds of additional pat downs, the TSA put their cancer-scans on 'stand by' and used the standard metal detectors. When a dozen photographers show up to shoot, they do nothing. They are bullies. Nothing more.

They will cite how many packs of matches, pocket knives or lighters they have caught yet there are still no arrests of terrorists at the screening points. Handguns, knives and even swords slip through their web while they worry about your toothpaste. Billions have been wasted on this farce. Meanwhile the security theater puts thousands of lives at risk each day as people avoid safe air travel and take to the more dangerous highways. How many people, disgusted at the TSA, have died in car accidents as a result of their choosing liberty over tyranny?

The TSA are terrorists, and should be treated as such.
The TSA are terrorists, and should be treated as such.
It helps immensely to stop and think about just what the job of the TSA is. The TSA was created as a way for the politicians in power to have something tangible to point to in order to make people feel better about air travel after 9/11. They are not going to catch anything like determined terrorists, but terrorists will never get another opportunity to do something like they did on 9/11 anyway. Some of the folks within the system think they are actually doing something, and so 'innovations' continue to be rolled out. However, most people that fly frequently understand the purpose of the TSA, and never really have any issues with them. I've never had any real problems with them, even when I forgot to do something I was supposed to and had to have my stuff hand searched, or the time I brought a 17 pound chunk of petrified wood in my carry-on. :)

The TSA agents aren't very smart, aren't paid very much, and have a useless job where they are frequently abused. It doesn't surprise me in the least when someone is too stupid to take that into account, and gets harrassed for making their job that much more difficult. Makes me think of the Dixie Chicks from a few years back when they were on top of the country music charts. They publicly put down the president when they were touring in England, and then got upset when their fans, country music fans tend to be rabidly patriotic, burned their CDs and refused to listen to them anymore. There are always consequences for our actions, and it's best to figure out before-hand what those consequences might be.
Anybody consider that the TSA may just be a visible, attention getting drama while the real security measures go on behind the scenes, with much less notice?

Not saying that's the case -- but maybe it would explain why they can't seem to know their own policies, do things that are mind-bogglingly stupid, and everything else they've done to catch Bob's (and a lot of other people) ire?
Anybody consider that the TSA may just be a visible, attention getting drama while the real security measures go on behind the scenes, with much less notice?

Not saying that's the case -- but maybe it would explain why they can't seem to know their own policies, do things that are mind-bogglingly stupid, and everything else they've done to catch Bob's (and a lot of other people) ire?

I wish that were the case...

I wonder if we can apply the same logic to the politicians doing stupid mind boggling stuff while the real stuff goes on behind the scenes?
Anybody consider that the TSA may just be a visible, attention getting drama while the real security measures go on behind the scenes, with much less notice?

Not saying that's the case -- but maybe it would explain why they can't seem to know their own policies, do things that are mind-bogglingly stupid, and everything else they've done to catch Bob's (and a lot of other people) ire?

You mean like "Don't worry about the squad car and 2 uniforms in front of your house, worry about the wino down the street and that van in your neighbors driveway?"
I dunno, when you have would be terrorists families calling to report them, yet they are not only allowed on the plane but not properly searched I start to doubt the IQ of those in charge. I think they are just poorly trained idiots with delusions of importance.
I dunno, when you have would be terrorists families calling to report them, yet they are not only allowed on the plane but not properly searched I start to doubt the IQ of those in charge.

And, being a government agency, it's ultimately the politicians who are in charge.

I think they are just poorly trained idiots with delusions of importance.
Absolutely. However, they are still there and have to be gotten through to get on the airplane. So I smile, be as helpful as possible, make a few jokes, and never have a hard time. It's like a road full of ruts and potholes. You can spend your effort cursing and yelling at the road for being in bad shape, or you can just watch where you're going, and avoid the worst of it, since the road can't fix itself.
or, you do as I do and avoid that road all together. I've driven 3 days each way to avoid dealing with the TSA gestapo and the airlines increasingly insane bag policies. When they finish deploying their little goon squads to the highways, they better be accompanied by some real cops, else I guarantee they'll be getting a taste of their own back from some folks.
One of our more entertaining flights took place 2 days after one of my octreoscans. OK, so I was actually emitting gamma rays. Is that any reason for all the fuss?
Try explaining to the TSA guy with a room temperature IQ what an octreoscan is...

At the nuke plant, I had a supervisor who was getting his thyroid zapped. He loved to go up to the control point, look around the corner and set off the portal monitors-nobody was in them, but they'd all go off-drove the HP techs nuts! :lfao:
or, you do as I do and avoid that road all together. I've driven 3 days each way to avoid dealing with the TSA gestapo and the airlines increasingly insane bag policies. When they finish deploying their little goon squads to the highways, they better be accompanied by some real cops, else I guarantee they'll be getting a taste of their own back from some folks.

Yeah, people all over seem to be getting increasingly frustrated with our fumbling government. Funny thing that I've noticed though is that most don't want them to stop putting their nose where it doesn't belong so much as they just want them to do it better with less disruption. People amaze me sometimes! :)
If the government wanted to actually fix the TSA, it's surprisingly easy.

1- Train them. Consistently.
2- Screen them. No more sex offenders in the ranks.
3- Educate them on policy, and hold them to consistency. McDonalds can make the same burger the same way in 40+ nations. "Dont hit people in the balls" isn't that hard.
4- Pay them appropriately, and give them reasonable shifts. The biggest complaints -from- the TSA are how badly they are treated by their own agency.
5- Get rid of the stupid rules like 8oz bad, but 2 4oz good.

Adopt some of the Israeli methods to help prescreen before they get to the screening zone. Note I said some, the ones that can scale up. Use the non-scalable ones randomly when possible.

Stop wasting money on theater, and give us real security.
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Sad but true - it's not only America that has that problem with the appearance of a democracy without the trouble of actually having one :nods:
or, you do as I do and avoid that road all together. I've driven 3 days each way to avoid dealing with the TSA gestapo and the airlines increasingly insane bag policies. When they finish deploying their little goon squads to the highways, they better be accompanied by some real cops, else I guarantee they'll be getting a taste of their own back from some folks.

How nice for you to actully have roads that go somewhere and not have to spend $600 to $1300 to shop at Wallmart I envy your grass and trees
If the government wanted to actually fix the TSA, it's surprisingly easy.

1- Train them. Consistently.
2- Screen them. No more sex offenders in the ranks.
3- Educate them on policy, and hold them to consistency. McDonalds can make the same burger the same way in 40+ nations. "Dont hit people in the balls" isn't that hard.
4- Pay them appropriately, and give them reasonable shifts. The biggest complaints -from- the TSA are how badly they are treated by their own agency.
5- Get rid of the stupid rules like 8oz bad, but 2 4oz good.

Adopt some of the Israeli methods to help prescreen before they get to the screening zone. Note I said some, the ones that can scale up. Use the non-scalable ones randomly when possible.

Stop wasting money on theater, and give us real security.
You make some very good points lets require all TSA to be returning military 1st choice and 2nd choice graduating college students with minimum Bachelor's degree so they have a gauranteed job if they qualify. Am I a biggot if I want English to be thier first lanuage or at least fluent so I can understand?

Also I thought some states were taking over TSA themselves making money and doing it better?
A number of airports tried to switch to private screeners but the TSA nixed that.

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