Tri-care sucks.....

I am a disabled veteran. I am entitled to health care at VA hospitals. I have medical insurance through my work, that covers me and my son. Since I started using that insurance and medical facilites/doctors, etc, I haven't even thought of using the VA.
Anyone who wants to force everyone to have single payer (socialized medicine) should be forced to take a long hard look at a county hospital and a VA hospital and compare them to private hospitals. The government is good at many things, treating individuals well on an individual basis, just isn't one of them.
Ok - I hadn't considered Joint Basing....

I'm sure that had a HUGE impact on health care for the military....I wouldn't doubt that the Joint bases suck now.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to get an appointment. If you are sick RIGHT now, you can call and see if they have an appointment soon, which they NEVER DO and they expect you to come in in 3 weeks, go to after hours sick call where you will sit for 4 or more hours only to get rushed through and mis-diagnosed, or go to the local emergency room and sit for hours until someone sees you.


Sounds an awful lot like two HMOs I've subscribed to previously - CIGNA and Kaiser.

Two words for those people: **** THEM.

While I would like to see a public option, the care we have at military bases is worse than county hospitals and those are TERRIBLE.

Something else needs to be looked at here before we go passing care bills left and ... left.

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