Training Methods Old School vs. New School

Wouldn't method, in that case, also include the specific exercise?
only in so far that if you are targeting a muscle group or movement then the number of exercises that mimic the movement your,are training are quite limited. If you want to practise foot scooping then you are limited to scooping with your foot as the prime exercise, though leg development in a more general way might improve your progress at,scooping
only in so far that if you are targeting a muscle group or movement then the number of exercises that mimic the movement your,are training are quite limited. If you want to practise foot scooping then you are limited to scooping with your foot as the prime exercise, though leg development in a more general way might improve your progress at,scooping
I guess my thought was that if reps, etc. are "method", then lifting a one-ended weight (in a specific way) would be, too. We could replace the traditional Chinese weight with a dumbbell loaded at one end, and do the same exercise. So, is that a new thing, an old thing, or neither? I'm not sure. If it never changed, it's not really new, but it can fit in nicely with methods that weren't in existence 100 years ago.
I guess my thought was that if reps, etc. are "method", then lifting a one-ended weight (in a specific way) would be, too. We could replace the traditional Chinese weight with a dumbbell loaded at one end, and do the same exercise. So, is that a new thing, an old thing, or neither? I'm not sure. If it never changed, it's not really new, but it can fit in nicely with methods that weren't in existence 100 years ago.
. Like i say some exercises are sports,specific and as old,as the sport its self, soccer players need o be able to run jump and kick so running jumping and kicking exercises are as much a part of the sport now as they were 100 years ago, the methods of training running jumping and kicking have improved massively whilst still being fundamentally the,same exercises.

of foot scooping or twisting a one sided weight about are fundamentals of,a ma then how that movement is trained or practised should have changed to get the best performance out come whilst remaining recognisably the,same,exercise.

someone has / could probably designed a machine that mimics the exercise, some sort of cable machine perhaps, but that is still the medium of training, rather than the,science of using a methodology that maximises performance gain through using that medium
those are the medium of training not the method, though i am fascinated by the ancient Chinese having bowling balls
After so many years as 24 hours gym member, I still have not been able to find any modern gym equipment that can help me to develop "both arms twisting power".

The closest equipment that I can find is this. But the rotation angle is limited.

After so many years as 24 hours gym member, I still have not been able to find any modern gym equipment that can help me to develop "both arms twisting power".

The closest equipment that I can find is this. But the rotation angle is limited.

that's because its a fringe activerty, it would be very easy to attach a wheel to a weight stack, but you could get a truck and take the power steering off, but the point i was making what you use as resistance training isnt as important as what you do with it as regards to the training methodology you use
If I lift a rock rather than a barbell it is still lifting.

Spinning a big pot would be method though.
Agreed. And lifting the rock (or barbell) over your head is different from lifting it to your chest - different exercise, same object.
You can

- not find any modern gym equipment,
- find many traditional training equipment,

that can help you to develop this skill.

You can

- not find any modern gym equipment,
- find many traditional training equipment,

that can help you to develop this skill.

I'm not sure what point you are making, skills and fitness need to be,developed in different ways, skills general require repeating till its,a natural movement. But that just looks like good upper body strength, the guy getting thrown is,considerably smaller. Any exercises that builds upper body,strengh with a bit of a twist, will help with that
I'm not sure what point you are making, skills and fitness need to be,developed in different ways, skills general require repeating till its,a natural movement. But that just looks like good upper body strength, the guy getting thrown is,considerably smaller. Any exercises that builds upper body,strengh with a bit of a twist, will help with that
What I was trying to point out is there are certain strength that's needed in MA application that we can't develop in the modern gym environment. It requires traditional MA special development equipment. The general strength (such as the upper body strength) is not enough. You will need the "leg twisting" strength in this application.

Until we can find the equivalent modern training method, the traditional training method is still "superior".

Here is the same technique used by a 160 lb guy against a 175 lb guy in competition environment (not just a demo).

What I was trying to point out is there are certain strength that's needed in MA application that we can't develop in the modern gym environment. It requires traditional MA special development equipment. The general strength (such as the upper body strength) is not enough. You will need the "leg twisting" strength in this application.

Until we can find the equivalent modern training method, the traditional training method is still "superior".

Here is the same technique used by a 160 lb guy against a 175 lb guy in competition environment (not just a demo).

well no, your point is similar to saying there is nothing in a modern gym that will help you kick a football harder, as there is no football kicking machine. You can develop all the muscles in the,chain,But the only way to put them all together is to kick a,football. You can do develop all the muscles used in that twist, but the only way to develop the muscles to work together ie skill to throw is to throw something

but your not catching the point I'm making, i hate modern gyms they are all glass and chrome and i hate the people who use them, they are all Lycra and iPods

you can use a modern gym and old training methodologies and get nowhere fast, just as you can use modern methodologies' and old equipment and build impressive improvement in performance

I'm heavily in to body weight exercise and there arnt many older exercises than that, its what you do and when for how long and how many, that needs to be designed using modern understanding of how to increase physical performance

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