Personal log.
A feeling of frustration bordering on anger has started to creep in over the last week and half. I enjoy what I have done so far, and like what I have seen. My problem is I am not getting enough instruction. With his job putting him a 24hour schedule and the assistant instructor unable to get to town in time for the basic beginner class, but can make it for the regular class that comes after. I only get 45mins of training with my instructor once a week. I can only do so much on my own, I have still struggling to do the aruki tsuki drills correctly as they require a series of simultaneous foot and hand movements. Training my self is problematic, as I have ADD and it takes me many reps with a instructor guiding me before I a able to do it my self at home. He has a beginner hand book of things that must be mastered before promotion to the next grade. Which is important for me so I can actually get regular training more then once a week.
Out of the entire book, only things I have a barest of grips on is the basic forward punch drill and San Shin no Kata and side rolls.. The rest are a lil more complex and I need more time with him before Im skilled enough to train them at home. (talking about the aruki tsuki drills)
It took me 3 months to get my schedule changed so I could make it to the original class schedule with 3 beginner class's a week. Only for it to change on the day I go to sign up and him to drop the vary beginner class's I changed my schedule to attend.
I don't want to be "that guy" when/if I ever get promoted at the regular class and have crappy basics. Ill talk to him but I honestly don't think there is anything he can do about it. His schedule is set and likely wont change. Ill tell him my feelings but, I don't know what good it will do.
Im mad because I want to really explore and dig into this art. However, I need more training, I enjoy my self so much better when I have a full training schedule.
I don't want to quit, but if after I talk to him and if nothing can change, I'm going to consider it. I need more time on the mats, not less. I want to develop into something. I am so tired of every dojo I train at falling under. Both of them so far have gone out of business.. I'm tired of dojo hopping. It seams in this case, that its not going any were but because of travel issue(assistant instructor) and work schedules(main instructor) I'm going to be getting far less instruction then what my tuition is paying for.
I just feel Im getting the short end of the stick. I Hope I can continue in this art, but I cant just spend the next year doing 45mins a week with the instructor.
God dang it, looks like I need to think about back up schools to attend.