"The main reason I have posted this Personal log today is that I am somewhat closer to my goal of doing the backwards roll.. I very nearly had it today, had to stop as I nearly took out a leg of my daughters bed and it was her bed time. (her room is large and spacious, was practicing there. ) I think with some more time on my own ill be able to do it a lot more consistently."
When I started out I moved the dining table out of the way, which gave me a clear shot from the front wall to the back door or about 20 feet. It is a lot easier practicing rolls for the first time in winter if you do them indoors rather than outside. No disrespect to my sensei, but it is very cold in VA in December and I was a wuss.
"I need to buy some tatami mats, as I need a softer place to learn my rolls at home. Doing them on hard flooring, as a newb at least is painfull on my knees.(I do them from kneeling) I do need to find a way to condition the skin on the tops of my knees, will be further researching this.."
Are you working on hardwood floors? Carpeted floors? I found that I learned well on the second (1st?) floor of my house where it was carpet on plywood and when I could tolerate it moved to the basement (1st?)where the floor is concrete.
"What I have found odd is that, the side roll is so much easier to do. I am struggling a bit with my front roll, as I consistently screw up the angle of my shoulder and end up in a very bad side roll."
Yeah, totally counterintuitive isn't it.
May I offer a little advice on the front roll? You will go where your leading foot is pointed. So if it is pointed off at an angle you are most likely to follow it than proceed straight. Also, correct hand placement helps a lot too.
"I have only rolled from standing one time, and that was during class. I will not attempt it, until I get more practice time, doing it under supervision and after I get better at doing them at home kneeling."
You are going to love rolling from standing. There are three techniques which come to mind.
"Please, note, this is a personal log, not a official school day log. just a record of my personal home training."
Sounds like you are moving ahead. Keep rolling and memorize the terminology/meanings.