Training at London Martial Arts

  • Thread starter Thread starter KenpoGirl
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Well as many of you know, I have been training at my instructors Bryson Ingram's new school here in London, ON.

Last night, Bryson was nice to me as it was my Birthday to not make me do any work out (ie pushups, crunchers, and basics). Instead we went through all the techniques I have learned so far, and all the forms and sets that I know.

Remember I said he was being nice. :shrug:

2 HOURS LATER, I was finally done. Boy was I pooped.

Anywise, what I'm having the most trouble with is my stances. I'm so busy trying to remember what to do, movement wise, I can't seem to remember to get my feet right, especially on the Forms (Short/Long 1, and Stance set {groan}). And if Bryson says "KICK YOUR HEELS OUT" one more time I think I'm going to cry. ;) lol Just kidding, I appreciate him keeping on me, I am getting better, but boy is it frustrating. And I'm not even going to comment on twist stances, oooh my poor knees. :(

Anybody having the same problem or maybe even some helpful hints to help me and others improve? Post them here, I'm all EYES :erg:

hehe. tuck your hands under your belt and walk through everything you're having trouble with without using your hands. just concentrate on moving your feet where they're supposed to be. This worked wonders with my stances in kenpo forms.
I appreciate the advice nightingale.

It should be interesting trying to do short/long 1 without the hands, but I will try that for sure.

Stance set is already done with the hands on the hips, I usually do okay on that if I go slowly, it's just the twist stances that are a pain, litterally. :)

So I will continue to Practise, Practise, Practise. :D
Night said something very close to what I would suggest. What I do withg people that have problems with foot work is make them go through everything keeping their hands physically stationary while using their mind's eye to "move their hands", physically all you move is your feet. try this for all your forms and techs. Do it a few times a day and you will see drastic improvement.:asian:
Basics are the foundation and they need the most attention.......... It is good to see he is "nagging" you about your heels!!

Dont rush anything....... remember it takes time to stretch those muscles so keep doing what you are doing and then do it some more....... isolate the problem areas like Seig and Night said so as to practice extra on the areas of most need.

good work

>>>Mod Note: Quote removed on request of quoted member. Original post Here <<<


Glad to hear LMA had a decent turn out for this seminar. Hopefully we will hear more about it in the next couple days.

Dot - did you make it to this one?
Originally posted by lifewise

Glad to hear LMA had a decent turn out for this seminar. Hopefully we will hear more about it in the next couple days.

Dot - did you make it to this one?

:( No unfortunately, I Couldn't make it. I was volunteered by my boss, to work at the "International Plowing Match" as we were sponsors. Spent the whole after noon there and an hours drive back. I was too stiff and tired, by the time I got home so I skipped it.

I am pleased it went well, though.

Seig and Dennis;

I do appreciate the advice and the support. I know it's just a matter of practise and perseverance but some days all you want to do is scream because your head knows what to do but your body wont comply.

I'll keep at it. I'm too stubborn to quit just yet. ;)
It was nice to meet Eraser (from the Peaceful Warriors of Windsor Ontario) last night. :)

Eraser joined LMA for a couple classes. After which, she demonstrated some of her forms and self defense steps/techniques which are used in Hapkido.

Thanks for attending Eraser - it was an enjoyable evening and nice to meet someone from Martial Talk.;)
Hey Kenpo Girl - you have been demoted!

No longer a brown belt... hmmmm - what did you do to deserve that?

Originally posted by lifewise

It was nice to meet Eraser (from the Peaceful Warriors of Windsor Ontario) last night. :)

Eraser joined LMA for a couple classes. After which, she demonstrated some of her forms and self defense steps/techniques which are used in Hapkido.

Thanks for attending Eraser - it was an enjoyable evening and nice to meet someone from Martial Talk.;)

Sorry I wasn't around yesterday to comment.

Yes it was great to have eraser as a guest. She really held her own in class. That's including the sparing afterwards. She's got some great kicks, and once she gets use to actual contact sparring I think she well be a force to be recond with.

We will be sure to show some of the pictures we took when they get developed.

Just to prove we did not beat her up .... to much.

Originally posted by lifewise

Hey Kenpo Girl - you have been demoted!

No longer a brown belt... hmmmm - what did you do to deserve that?


I have no idea what happened. I though maybe they'd taken away the other thread we had because it was so large and that's why I was demoted, but then you'd be too. I'll have send Kaith a PM and see if he knows.

I'll keep you posted.

Originally posted by lifewise

Posted by Roland in another thread - Regarding LMA seminar on Sept 20th 2002. "Holy Crap - did you guys miss out or what? Zach is just awesome, a really great guy too! He was so much fun, and had so much info to share, we just skimmed the surface. Some stuff I had done before, but was great to do again, and add to! Can not wait to get my knife that I bought from him too, I should get it by November! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Decent turn out, thank you Gou for hosting, pain in the ***, but well worth it, eh?"


Glad to hear LMA had a decent turn out for this seminar. Hopefully we will hear more about it in the next couple days.

Dot - did you make it to this one?

To All those who missed out on the Seminar on the 20th,

Sorry to hear about you not being there. It was lots of fun and very knowledgeable. I would recommend Zach Whitson.

I enjoyed myself.

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

To All those who missed out on the Seminar on the 20th,

Sorry to hear about you not being there. It was lots of fun and very knowledgeable. I would recommend Zach Whitson.

I enjoyed myself.


Yes I regret missing it. Both because I was interested in meeting Mr. Whitson and learning from him, but also because I was looking forward to meeting you and Paul and any other American friends that decided to come up for a visit.

Did you get to the Huk Planas seminar? Mr. Planas always has great seminars.
