I don't think "strength" should be separated from anything/everything else. It's just part of the whole enchilada, fellas.
But I also think, for serious Martial Artists anyway, everyone should get really strong at one point in their life - no matter how much work it takes - to see what it's like. It's different. And it helps you understand strength, and what strength can and can't do. It's also a hell of a lot of fun. Understanding strength, and how to defend superior strength, is a lot easier, and beneficial, once you have changed your strength from your norm, to your max. If you never do that, you'll be sitting there when you're old, thinking "what the F was I thinking?"
Part of being a professional is training like a Mf'r. Seriously. We're talking about Martial Artists here. Not office work. Training isn't hard. You know what's hard? Raising a family, owning a house, having a mortgage, working full time, or being in that situation and being out of work, having health problems, or your kids having health problems - and that's all at the exact same time. That's hard.
To you young, single, healthy guys. And I know there's a bunch of you here at MT. If you don't rock your training right now - F you. You're a chump.
But I also think, for serious Martial Artists anyway, everyone should get really strong at one point in their life - no matter how much work it takes - to see what it's like. It's different. And it helps you understand strength, and what strength can and can't do. It's also a hell of a lot of fun. Understanding strength, and how to defend superior strength, is a lot easier, and beneficial, once you have changed your strength from your norm, to your max. If you never do that, you'll be sitting there when you're old, thinking "what the F was I thinking?"
Part of being a professional is training like a Mf'r. Seriously. We're talking about Martial Artists here. Not office work. Training isn't hard. You know what's hard? Raising a family, owning a house, having a mortgage, working full time, or being in that situation and being out of work, having health problems, or your kids having health problems - and that's all at the exact same time. That's hard.
To you young, single, healthy guys. And I know there's a bunch of you here at MT. If you don't rock your training right now - F you. You're a chump.