Where Is The Best Place To Train?

Agreed, I have trained in many places, basements, garages, back rooms, fields, in the woods, community centers, actually schools, in classrooms in colleges, its all good. Although I will say the coolest, kung fu theater, place I ever trained was outside of a state library as a Thunderstorm was rolling in, I was training tuishou with a friend of mine and it started to rain, thunder rumbling lighting flashing and it was just awesome...that was until we both realized it was also incredibly stupid, way to much lightning and we were outside...so we stopped. So although it was a great training moment and incredibly cool...it was also really really dumb.

Another great place to train is outside, at night, on uneven ground with no lights, that will test your posture and your root
Agreed, I have trained in many places, basements, garages, back rooms, fields, in the woods, community centers, actually schools, in classrooms in colleges, its all good. Although I will say the coolest, kung fu theater, place I ever trained was outside of a state library as a Thunderstorm was rolling in, I was training tuishou with a friend of mine and it started to rain, thunder rumbling lighting flashing and it was just awesome...that was until we both realized it was also incredibly stupid, way to much lightning and we were outside...so we stopped. So although it was a great training moment and incredibly cool...it was also really really dumb.

Another great place to train is outside, at night, on uneven ground with no lights, that will test your posture and your root

The latter sounds good. Got a sloping garden out back.
In terms of martial arts training - the most important place would be at my academy with instructors and fellow students. However my basement home gym/basement/dojo gives me the time and convenience to exercise and also followup with practice in my martial arts. I love my man cave.
The latter sounds good. Got a sloping garden out back.

Try it, in the dark, you will be surprised how much your form will change and how much more you become aware of upper. lower and rooting....and tripping, falling and losing your balance too :)
Try it, in the dark, you will be surprised how much your form will change and how much more you become aware of upper. lower and rooting....and tripping, falling and losing your balance too :)

Yeah I'm not that old :) Where do you reckon would be the best place on the following image?

Not on the steps that's for sure. What are you training? To start I would begin on flat ground, it may appear flat but you will find it is really not
Not on the steps that's for sure. What are you training? To start I would begin on flat ground, it may appear flat but you will find it is really not

At the moment in the garden, I use those steps for running up and down like a minion. Or that is probably what it looks to the neighbours. Mainly cardio stuff, plus some static stretching if I have the inclination to run back from the gym. Mercifully only a 15 minute walk from me. The steps are bit steeper than they look, with a further amount below what can be seen. At the top there is a further squared off bit that is more flat. Eventually it will be decked, so more scope will be there for a bag and what not. In terms of practising, the ground is a bit lumpy, but will be perfect for shadow work once the ground has been dug and flattend over. It is not my house, so I am a little limited in what I could perceive as a tip top training area. Won't be a problem to my landlady and husband, more to what the neighbours will tolerate.
If you are training form like I was doing (Yang and Chen Taijiquan) bumpier the better. It helps a lot with alignment, upper and lower unification, rooting and balance. Things your body never dealt with doing these forms on a flat hard surface.
If you are training form like I was doing (Yang and Chen Taijiquan) bumpier the better. It helps a lot with alignment, upper and lower unification, rooting and balance. Things your body never dealt with doing these forms on a flat hard surface.

So what you are saying is, I have underestimated Tia Chi maybe :) That does make a lot of sense, the is used to, and becomes used a certain posture. But put that posture under duress can only help. Makes logical sense.