Tracy Kenpo Better Then EPAKK!

Ray said:
Dave, I've read all the anti-Mormon literature and used to repeat it to Mormons that I worked with in Utah {for over twelve years}; so if you're going for the shock effect it ain't going to work.

Yeah, that sure came out harsher than intended. I am speaking of the fact that Smith was a freemason and borrowed rituals and secrecy from freemasonry and incorporated them into LDS. I am not suggesting that he simply "made up mormonism" and I apologize for how that came off.
KenpoDave said:
Yeah, that sure came out harsher than intended. I am speaking of the fact that Smith was a freemason and borrowed rituals and secrecy from freemasonry and incorporated them into LDS. I am not suggesting that he simply "made up mormonism" and I apologize for how that came off.
Thanks Dave! I've got nothing against Tracys Kenpo; in fact, I studied it for a little while and enjoyed it. You're thoughts on Chow & Mitose could certainly be right--I like to hear/research as much as I can about a subject before I make a decision {doesn' make me right, just slow to decide, I guess}.

There's just so much to the history, with so many people recalling things somewhat differently. Hard to know of a surety.

Similar to Kenpo history: you seem to have a good grasp of LDS from one side of the fence; you know, there is another side to it. A good place to begin would be to invite a couple missionaries in and to listen with an open mind.
Ray said:
Similar to Kenpo history: you seem to have a good grasp of LDS from one side of the fence; you know, there is another side to it. A good place to begin would be to invite a couple missionaries in and to listen with an open mind.

They were coming by on a pretty regular basis and my wife and I were enjoying the dialogue. I will PM you...

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