When I first started Krav Maga 2 and 1/2 years ago I was introduced to full contact blocks and parries in SD training (50%, maybe 75% power). My forearms and shins as a result were constantly sporting bruises, some of them quite horrific. We always don our shinguards for sparring, but there was nothing to protect my thin boned forearms.
I know very little about how the body changes and responds to full contact martial arts. But it seems that some time in the past year my forearms and shins began to bruise far less than they did at the beginning. Nice for my short term looks and comfort, but is this a good sign overall? I worry about the tissue and bones having long term damage underneath, and how would I know if they are?
I know very little about how the body changes and responds to full contact martial arts. But it seems that some time in the past year my forearms and shins began to bruise far less than they did at the beginning. Nice for my short term looks and comfort, but is this a good sign overall? I worry about the tissue and bones having long term damage underneath, and how would I know if they are?
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