Medio combate


Senior Master
Medio combate means half combat or half sparring in other words is light contact sparring but, light contact is full speed with midrange power however there is a chance if both fighters agree to scalate even to full contact all depends the heat of the moment.

Last night I did light contact sparring with my students, so we agree use one third the power and I opted to not use any kind of safety gear so one of my students (former jido kwan too), the other student the skinny one used shin/instep pads only. I began sparr with the former jidokwaner because even he's not tall he is well built and know how to sparr and he does not scare to see kicks flying around in fact he caught me with a nice roundhose to the stomach, I caught him with a nice spining hook kick to the back of the head (no harm we were using light contact) a couple or roundhose kicks and a nice reverse punch.

Before we sparr I talked to the guys and told them the medio combate is a nice tool to practice all the techs we are learning, use combos, feints even the high kicks and try to go for all, don't pull back and having fun and relax but.... we must pay atention and always cover the face/ head because S.....T happens once in a while.

When I sparr with the skiny/fargile student (he was wearing the pads) in one point he send me a roundhouse that I blocked lightly with the softh part of my forearm.... ohhh boyyy this guy went almost in tears, turn around exposing his back abruptly and retreating. He told me I bent his big toe and try to make me feel like the bad guy of the movie so I answer him that I only deflect his kick with no intention of harm him and the contact was with the flesh of my forearm not the bone... I was desapointed and told him what he did turning around showing his back was a bad move because in a competition he could be caugh in the face with an incoming kick and never seen coming.

This guy took several minutes to recover and believe me even a 10 years old could take this better, I caught an elbow from the other guy performing a roundhouse kick and yes I felt disconfort but this dont pull me to refuse sparring.

Even in a high school soccer game you can get some kicks and bruises that's part of the game, I really don't understand this guy.

There's at least one person like that in every class. We have a guy who constantly punches and kicks himself (I don't know how), and bitches like crazy if things don't go his way when sparring. At judo, we've got this guy who "broke" his toe, we haven't stopped hearing about it 10 weeks on, he also complained that I was kicking his legs too hard when I was using a leg sweep (kouchi-gari) on him. The guys about 6'3 and 21 stone, and apparently spends his days pushing lorries around, I would have though he'd have better pain control than that.
Yeah, I do enjoy medio combate idea, and I'm aiming for that once I get the time and partners to start practicing more sparring.

Even in a high school soccer game you can get some kicks and bruises that's part of the game, I really don't understand this guy.
-- In my highschool soccer games I used to see people get much more injuries than in taekwondo practice!

There's at least one person like that in every class.
-- Definitely!

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