What is truly the pinnacle of the art in Modern Arnis? Is it Tapi-Tapi or is it really Cuentada. I remember a story I was told (can't remember the source) about Professor's beginning training with GM Bacon. Professor thought he had pretty good stuff but every time he spared with Anciong he got wacked. Remy couldn't figure out what he was doing wrong until he finally asked Anciong why he ALWAYS bested him. He was told that it wasn't that he wasn't good, but that Anciong was always setting him up and was always there with his response to whatever Remy or anyone else threw at him. He was the chess master of Arnis. From the first strike he knew where it would go and could end it any time he wanted. This is what it was all about. GM Bacon didn't earn his reputation because of his physical stature. He was fast and knew what you were going to do even before you did. If you can do that, your at top.