Top Five Moves according to MartialTalk

I've always found that these five work great for me:

1. Avoid bars that don't have any windows.
2. Drive away from crazy, screaming, threatening people.
3. Run/walk away from trouble.
4. When somebody sticks a .22 to your head, offer them your wallet.
5. Talk your way out of it.

All are street-tested. What if you must do something overtly physical?
1. If possible, make it clear that you're bigger.
2. If your friends/acquaintances are screaming at each other, step between them so they can't see each other.
3. Think of something funny to say.
4. When somebody threatens you, burst out laughing.
5. Call the cops.

Again, all street-tested. I realize that these ten aren't always posssible/practicable, but one of the things I always wonder about in these discussions is just how the heck it is that folks manage to find so many fights to get into.
If U give them your wallet They now
know were U live & may feel u were an easy

Your suggestions are not bad
But in N.Y. U be in trouble:eek:
I had somebody stick a .22 to my head, because I was stupid and walked into obvious trouble. I offered them my wallet, which was smart---well, actually, more necessary than smart. It's not a great idea to do anything else, with a gun at your head, unless you're damn sure they're going to pull the it happens, I then talked the three guys into giving me my wallet back. Since then, I've avoided being that sort of stupid.
A 22 will just bounce off you skull. :D What kind of thugs would want to be caught dead with such a sissy pistol? lol
Have you ever seen the kind of Damage that a bullet bouncing of a skull does to a person not very pretty.
"A .22 will just bounce off?"

Oh really. You might want to tell that to the 16-year old kid I "met," about 1979---and I write, "met," because the .22 revolver he stuck to the side of his own head left bullet fragments in a path about two inches wide from one side of his skull to the other--they ricochet around inside, you see--left him brain dead. After I bagged him in the ER for about an hour, the transplant team came and got him. For harvesting.

Nor was he the only guy I've ever seen dead from a .22. It's quite true that sometimes a glancing shot will bounce off--I 've also heard of a woman who was shot five times, up close with a .38 in the face and lived--but if I recollect, Bobby Kennedy was killed with a .22.

M-16s fire a .223 round, if memory serves. They're rather higher velocity, sure, but they tumble.

Guns scare the crap out of me. They should scare you, too.
.223 is a night and day's different from .22 .

Of course 22 can kill, but only at extremely close range. No cops nor military will touch a 22. It is worthless.

I take firearms seriously but I am not scared of them. There is training against armed assailants. Not fool proof but will give you a fighting chance rather than being slaughtered like sheep. If you drill sufficiently, your proficiency and confidence will increase proportionally. The danger is always there and best if avoidable.
Mr. Ku:

Uh...first off, I specifically noted that the firearm was being used up close. Damn close, with the muzzle against the side of my head. More theoretically speaking, any empty-hand gun (or knife) technique/response I've ever heard of relies on getting in close...real close, the closer the better. Which means that the muzzle's going to be close, so you'd better be darn sure you're controlling it. Or running like hell, and putting the horizon between you and the weapon...

Second off, I already noted that a .223 round is quite different. But nevertheless, you may want to depend upon the chance that a .22 will, "just bounce off," at a distance...but an interesting news story from NYC, some twenty years ago, involved a woman who was driving on the Long island Expressway, and was killed by a .22 round. It had been fired about a quarter-mile or so away by some kids who shot at the water; it skipped acrowss the Sound, went in through her open vent window, hit her in the side of the head--travelling so slowly that it wouldn't have gone through the wwindow glass if the vent had been shut--and killed her dead. Kennedy, too, was not killed at absolutely point-blank range.

The odds are very good that that cheapie .22 round will penetrate, and will bounce about inside your grey matter box. This, I submit, is to be avoided where possible. It is much wiser to give an armed opponent what they demand, if this is at all possible--which I suspect you'd agree with.

Sorry, but guns pointed at me do indeed scare me. I've had it happen twice--once the .22, and once a moron with a new scope on his rifle who was, "just testing the scope," when I walked by his house. I hear when they actually fire at you, it's even scarier, and I've certainly seen more than two people with little holes in their body and/or head. Ahura-mazda knows they were scared, if still alive--and while I am extremely far from being Joe Combat, I do tell my students that they too should be afraid of guns and knives--or at the very least damn respectful. Otherwise--well, have you seen the clip from the Internationals of about ten years ago (they show it on "Max X," a lot) of those two idiots who did the sword-and-cucumber-on the-throat demo?

Anyway, thanks for your comments. I hope I'm not being rude; it's just that I feel very stongly about this, and I think it's worth discussing.
I feel more intimated by someone wielding a long sharp machete.

Most American adult males have enough body mass to survive a 22 shot to the body. Kennedy was a skinny monkey.

In any case, I am only stating the ballistic properties of the 22. IT is totally an ineffective weapon with unreliable stopping power.

Not stating it is not dangerous. People do die from 22 shots. Heck, people died from BB shots too. I can guarantee you that even a BB can shoot right thru your eyes and scramble your brain.

I wasn't trying to suggest people being cavalier with a 22. (My original post was mean to be a joke. I really think that the thug would get his *** laughed off by his compatriots for carrying a 22 . lol . It was probably all he could afford then. ) On the contrary, you are absolutely correct that no one should be playing Russian roulette with their lives nor be cavalier with their luck when faced with a weapon be it a knife or a gun, any gun. Only the wise ones survive long term and you are one, Sir.
I'm not trying to add to the debate at all, but would say that this should be considered:

The .22 caliber round comes in different varieties: .22, .22 LR, .22 Magnum, all with varying degrees of penetrative power.

a bullet bouncing in your body does as much damage as if that bullet would hae penatrated.
it also depends on what part of the skull it hits.

top 5 moves would be:

front kick
front thrust
side kick
hook/elbow (depending on range)
The top five moves are the ones that God taught you before you got to Earth.

1. Sight- Look at your environment
2. Hearing- Listen for other actors or to your opponent's breathing and anything he may be saying to you or someone else.
3. Smell- Beleive it or not you can smell gun-oil, blood, and your nose can and will pick up on human hormone changes.
4. Touch- Your sense of touch will dictate which attacks and defenses to use.
5. Taste- Your body will give you a system analysis by using your taste buds. Taste iron, your blood sugar is dropping; taste bile or blood, you may be injured internally, or just a busted lip. And your taste buds are direcly linked to your sense of smell. You can detect the opponents physical and psycological state through the release of pheromones and hormones if you are tuned to it.

Everything else is relative to your given situation.
Just an added piece of information,(from a law enforcement standpoint), The .22 short has, and is, the chosen firearm for nearly all professional hitmen. It is quiet, easy to conceal, and is about 99% lethal at at range of about 15 yards and closer, if a head shot is made. NEVER underestimate the destructive power of a firearm. And like you stated, an air rifle can and will kill you at the right range. But, complete submission is not the answer to an armed robbery either. If you can reach it, you can own it. Better to be injured fighting, than killed submitting.
I was passing by and thought I may add.

A .22 is plenty lethal. It tells you how much so every time you look at beef. They still kill cows with them to this day.
There really is no debating the .22 becuase it works well in what its intended for.

As far as fear of the firearm or teaching people to respect them or be afraid of them is very debateable. The firearm itself is a snap on tool that is of no danger to anyone without a driving force behind it intent on using it. That is what one needs to focus on. The brain telling that body to point and shoot the firearm. Every one should respect firearms, not out of fear or ignorance but out of knowledge and understanding of their operation-function-capabilities or incapabilites. Purposely being ignorant to firearms out of fear or just plain dislike is a recipe for danger if ever faced with that threat. whats martial is whats war like and guns are apart of war these days so it behooves everyone to know and understand. Gain respect from the experience not from the ingnorance
O ya. If he gets stabbed they are both screwed up if she gets cut he can still beat the crap out of the guy and take his wife to the hospital. Makes sense, but I'm not sure its something I would be willing to do.

I'd still be screwed because my wife would stab me in my sleep when she got out of the hospital!

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