Top Five Moves according to MartialTalk

Coming from a tkd background i have to be a bit more practical than you guys
1.spinning hook kick
2.jump spinning hook kick
3.jumping back kick
4.axe kick
5.jump spinning roundhouse(whirlwind style) kick
Originally posted by white belt
Practical? In comparison to what? Am I being victimized by dry British humor?

white belt

Hey, it may be British Humour but it sure as hell aint dry! :p
SMAc has never fought outside in buffalo right about now I can see.
#1. Armlock from any position(includeing a head stand)
#2. Heel Hook inside & out
#3. Triangel Choke with the Legs or Arms
#4. Keylocks
#5. Rear Naked Choke
I am a TKD man and of Scottish ancestry, but, I must agree JDenz. Those kicks are finishers for me. In icy weather I would finish myself off! Maybe I am just guilty of placing my limitations on others? Maybe I need to get back to my ancestral roots by practicing my kicks wearing a kilt. Could help the speed and flexibility! With regards to London, I think they call it a "chapped bum" if kilt kicking outside in winter. I would drink warm beer too, in that case.

Best to all,
white belt
For stand up i use basic Kickboxing
Jab Cross Hook Upercut
Low & High Kicks

But Submisson is my Fav.
I'd just put my skating boots on, those blades would help sharpen up my kicks.
But to use the in in The Winter would not be to wise

Also U Leave your self opean for the Big Fall
I've rarely had to restrain or takedown a patient (12 years psych/detox) being able to defuse the situation most of the time.

But on the street I like

my right cross (it's killer)
stomp (or blade of foot- position depending) to side of knee
elbows to ribs or kidneys
thumbs in eyes (note how nicely the fingertips hold the jaw)
ridgehand or snakestrike to throat

I'm only 120 lbs. so anyone on the street close enough to receive this stuff needs to go away quickly:apv:
:D LMAO foot in the mouth , buddy! Happens to me all the time. lol

BTW, I was puzzling at Jill666 's mentioning of a killer right cross but then a bodyweight of 120lb. Then I read that Jill666 is Kenpo 1st DAN. oh Ok. I am shutting up and sitting down now. lol
So So So sorry:(

Jdenz is rite

Ruthless not worthless

I realy do like the Name:D
Thanks- and I appreciate the clarification since I wouldn't have known how to take ace's comment:lol:

Now I can chill.:drinkbeer
it was a late night post
The Name is Wicked Sweet

Take care pease
Me and Primo are the bad spellers and typo guys but at least we stick up for each other.
Moves that are simple

Low Kick
Side Kick
Double Leg
Front Kick to the Balls

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