Too old to compete?


Purple Belt
Sep 2, 2008
Reaction score
All over the internet/youtube. I see videos of competitions.

95% of what I have seen is XMA, and the younger age groups. The only thing I ever see older people doing is brick breaking (which is awesome) but I'm wanting to do some competing. Take what I've learned to the next level. But at 27.. I feel like I am a bit old for this new wave of XMA type competition.. what are my options?

why should age make a difference if you are able to do what is required for the competition

It shouldn't.. but I'm not sure I am physically capable of doing it.

Also, noone around here teaches the gymnastics stuff. I go to a traditional school.
You can but try, if that is your harts desire.
The gymnastics may mean that you need to contact your local high school or college and talk to whomever teaches such things there. You can transfer what they are able to teach you to XMA.
The breaking can only be accomplished by practice
I guess my real question was hidden.

Are there any large scale traditional tournaments left?

or is it all XMA?
What kind of "traditional" are you looking for? I think if you have a good look, you'll find plenty of tournaments (karate, taekwondo, open, etc.) that don't give many points to the XMA flash, but are instead looking for martial applications (for example, with weapons).
any on the same national level as the XMA type stuff?

I wouldn't mind learning some of that flashy stuff, but I am more concerned with practical application.

All the videos I see online are of XMA or the ATA which is all flash. Where are the national traditional tourneys?
I'm sure you can still find them around. How about just starting local and getting you feet wet so to speak, just as you are doing with your return to training. Many open tourneys have specific categories anyhow that you can enter not only at your rank leve, but your choice of staying more grounded with the traditional styles of you art, or the high-flying XMA you speak of.
If you want traditional japanese competition try the AAU. They have branches in every state. The AAU has local, state, regional & national tournaments. They have rules that are universal & strictly enforced. Respect & comraderie are prominent. You can compete in kumite, kata or kobudo for both individuals & teams. They have age divisions up to 45+.
I'm going to be 60 next month but I compete in kata & kobudo. Give it a shot.

My answer,you should be able to compete,yes age could be a factor at some point,I'm older (40+ )and better than ever......
never too old too compete! just train for the event, and make sure you try local stuff before going to the world championships or anything
I will turn 40 this winter. My biggest problem with competing is not my age but rather my physical condition. I think my reflexes are above par. I feel like I am in the best shape of my life for the most part but my joints are feeling the affects of a rather hard work life. It kills me to be barefoot on a hardwood floor all day. Recovery time is a lot longer these days too.

Regardless of what you decide. I wish you the best of luck.
Go rent Rocky Balboa (again). If the Italian Stallion can get in the ring at 60 - then get on with it!!
Okay, am having a laugh but can't fault Sly's shape for 60!!
I think if you've been out of competition for a while, it's best just to ease back into things, once the flexibility and stamina comes back, should be no problem??
There is a pretty wide breakdown in the ages groups and there are several different divisions that youcan compete in(traditional forms, weapons, sparring, etc.). You don't have to compete directly with the XMA guys. There isno reason why you could not compete. I am getting ready to go back to competition and I am a bit older than you are. Don't worry about your age or conditioning level, it is all for fun.
There should be a good number of tournaments, many of which are affiliated with the USA-NKF or the AAU.

In the Atlanta area, for example, you'll have a multitude of tournaments throughout the year. Samantha Hostetler is holding the Champs Cup (USA-NKF regional qualifier) soon, and she runs a really good tournament.

Our guys will be there, including a 77 year old who enjoys competition.

Ridgely Abele also runs a good tournament in South Carolina.

This can help get you started:
NASKA has a good division setup for us old people and has separate divisions for traditional/creative and XMA forms. I only do one NASKA tournament a year, though, because I don't travel for competitions.

I'm 41 and I compete about once a month in the "executive" (I prefer "mature") divisions of a tournament series in my area. Unlike NASKA, they don't have a separate XMA division; I sure wish they did. Luckily for me, though, none of the others in my age division are especially acrobatic. Some of the teenagers scare the bejeebers outta me with all that flipping around. :D I'd also like it if they would start a "senior executive" division for women; they already have one for men. The executive women division starts at age 32; and sometimes that nine years seems like a century.

No way is 27 too old to compete; just find the right tournaments to compete in--ones that have events/divisions that work for you.
Too old to compete? Only if you want to be.

I wouldn't have the stones to tell Bernard Hopkins he's too old to get into the ring.